Monday, March 6, 2006

Instead of writing, I'm uploading. Guess this is what happens to people who have digital cameras! :)

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Thanks to cute towels, they now like getting out of the tub...
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Jack after getting scrubbed
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Jack at 7 weeks
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Gabriel exploring a birthday gift
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Chilling after stuffed manicotti, a prayer meeting, and sharing...
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That's all for now, folks!


  1. I LOVE the bath photos.  Those towels are darling!

  2. Those really are great pictures of your little people. 
    Believe it or not, the photos of the boys on my site were taken over 3 months ago!  Seth received his very first "spanking" last week and Joel brought up the topic of sexual orientation which he apparently picked up from talk radio.
    I am doing well over all, though I have yet to see a doctor/midwife this pregnancy since we've been ironing out insurance issues.  Now that I'm feeling a little better I'm constantly frustrated over what to wear in that awkward stage in which both normal and maternity clothes look ridiculous.
    We're all anticipating your visit very much and can't wait to see how Gabriel and Bronwyn have grown. (Joel wants to find out if Jackson is real or just something on a xanga somewhere!)

  3. Thanks for asking.  I am not doing so well these days.  Sonny's first day at work has been uneventful so far, though we still don't know when he'll be coming home.  My struggle right now has been a result of dealing with "baggage" that has collected over the last 5 years.  His job change really triggered some bad stuff, and I've been pretty much worthless to my family for the past two days.
    Very cute pictures.  Is that your very own dining room?

  4. What a gang of cuties!  I can't wait to see you all very soon!!  It will be fun for Little Larry to finally meet some of his cousins :)

  5. I am so excited you now have a camera!  Love the towels too...where are they from??  Looking forward to your visit.  Now that we can go into labor at any moment (though we're believing I won't for a few more weeks) Matt isn't going to Florida.  He is so excited to be around for your visit. 
    See you soon!!

  6. Love the photos! They look so cute. I love way babies and toddlers look after getting a nice warm bath!
    Where did you get those towels?

  7. what sweet pictures - i like it when you post pictures!    bronwyn looks so much bigger than kayla - must be all the hair!  cute, cute!

  8. How sweet they look, all of them! Awww.

    AnDrEa JoSePhs

  9. "Modified Activity" has now turned into almost total home confinement! (At least until 36 weeks...which is 1 week and 4 longs days from now)  I'm still having contractions and taking the medicine but we're just happy with every day that we have until the "big" day.  As for the blanket...actually it was going to be a scarf and at this point it looks like a coaster.  I can't get into it at this point.  My mom, however, does have half of a good size blanket done.  
    See you soon! 
