Monday, February 27, 2006

Happy 3rd birthday, Gabriel-boy!

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I'd had every intention of writing a bit about Gabriel on his birthday itself, but yesterday ended up being a fairly busy day. I was not home at all except before church (which we left for at 8am) and after LIFE Group (which we didn't return home from until 9:30pm, and even then there were a handful of students who came over for the promised cookies that I began whipping up as soon as I walked in the door). Needless to say, there wasn't really "computer" time.

[For those concerned that celebrations of Gabriel's birthday have been altogether neglected, please be relieved to know that we are planning significant "doings" for tomorrow night. With guest ministry in town and lots of meetings on Sundays, we figured squeezing something in would be more of a bummer than delaying the joys of eating cake and opening gifts... and he doesn't know the difference!]

At any rate, my biggest little guy turned three yesterday. This is very hard for me to believe, as this is a milestone of sorts. Technically, we are beyond the "terrible twos" and toddlerhood; my first son is officially a boy, and I am amazed. On Friday I found myself remembering back three years--to the day labor began. I feel so far removed already, so I can't imagine how I will feel in years to come.

Here are some Gabriel tidbits:

--he has had the typical "80s" little boy haircut for the past year. His blonde hair is completely straight (thanks, Dad!) so he pulls off this cut very well, but he hates the way his hair falls down his forehead and is forever pushing it to the side with one hand. Oh well.

--ever since he stopped nursing two years ago, he has had a strange habit of rubbing one's neck when snuggling. I love it, because during these times he seems to be more of the little boy he really is.

--he loves drums more than ever. Hours of each day are spent playing at his "set"--a mix of toy drums, couch pillows and a bucket. When visiting with friends, his favorite game is making them sing worship songs while he pretends he is one of the drummers he knows. As of right now, James is his favorite imitation and one he does quite well.

--he has slept through very few nights in his life. To this day he comes down to our room almost always at least once during the night hours to tell Daniel that he "just needs a hug." As exhausting as this practice can be (more for Daniel than me, as he is the one who gets up and brings him back to bed--often repeatedly in one night), I know we will one day look back fondly on it.

--he is very gifted musically, and he's also very good with details and organization. This is predictable, I suppose, for one with such a definite mel-chlor personality.

--though thin (he barely weighs more than Bronwyn), he is very tall and is a full-fledged 3T these days. Right on target!

--for him, croutons are inspiration enough to eat salad and dried cranberries are inspiration enough to eat oatmeal. Things like this are handy for Mom and Dad, and we are grateful that there have been no more egg or pea battles since he was about 15 months old.

--he is God's gift to me in so many ways, but daily I find myself thankful for the furtherance he has brought to the sanctification process in my life. He and I are much alike in many ways (a 20-year age difference mostly means we react to different things, but the reactions themselves are still much the same thing) and, in seeing his weaknesses displayed, I am challenged to grow and change. This keeps me on my toes and praying that I will be able to keep one step ahead of him in this journey of being molded!


  1. Happy Birthday to your little boy and congratulations to you for doing such a great job with him!

  2. Happy Birthday Gabriel! I can't believe he's three, Brietta... would you just sporting a belly for the first time the other day! Unbeliveable! He's wonderful, he's great... you're a great mom, Daniel's a great dad, you've got a great first son. Have fun!

  3. happy birthday! that's so precious about the nighttime hugs. :)

  4. Give him a big hug and kiss from me! I can't wait to see you all: )

  5. Give Gabriel Boy a big kiss from us!

  6. He is one of the most adorable little boys I've ever seen....he looks so much like you when you were little, too.

  7. Happy Birthday Gabriel
