Thursday, February 23, 2006

1. Bronwyn grabs the "ride cymbal" (most of us would recognize this item as a couch pillow) and runs off with it--purely in an antagonistic mood. She, of course, could really care less about having possession of the aforesaid object except that it gets a rise from Gabriel.

2. Gabriel runs after Bronwyn, shrieking at the top of his longs, and gives her a solid shove from the back as soon as he is within arm's reach of her. (I believe this move is illegal even in football.)

3. Bronwyn falls flat on her face, bursting into tears and rugburning her chubby cheeks, and the ride cymbal (a.k.a. pillow) is dislodged from her arms, which is exactly what her older brother intended the shove to produce.

4. Mom enters the room and tells them they're both in trouble and that they will now be appropriately disciplined for their behavior one to another.

5. Gabriel and Bronwyn begin crying and protesting, but after correction return to playing happily--usually not with one another. (Gabriel is far too melancholy and choleric a personality to prefer a playmate, unless that playmate is over the age of 20.)

6. Bronwyn grabs the "ride cymbal".

And so the daily cycle continues.


  1. Isn´t it so amazing to be able to find enjoyment even in thinking of those moments?  (It is not that joyful right when it is happening, but it is so precious to look back at them!).  Keep enjoying your little ones!

  2. That scene plays itself out many times in our home, as well!

    Your mom mentioned this morning that you may want to come to a MOMS club meeting. It would be so grat if you did, but I understand that you are pretty busy without throwing more meetings into the weekly schedule. We will be in Madrid again next Wednesday (if that's March 1) so maybe we will stop by to say hello.

    Oh and I read your post about Bronwyn growing quickly. Alyssa had been the same way this winter - she's almost into 3T already! Do you need anything for Bronwyn ... clothes or shoes? We have a ton of sweaters and jackets, both light-weight and fleece. Let me know if you need anything in particular...

  3. *lungs

    our bronwyn baby loves to make trouble. too funny.

  4. HA! i can't wait to watch them in motion... soon very soon i'll come by and visit the paladins!

  5. I thought I would never say this...but I am enjoying that "life" is slowing down a bit here and that I am coming to the end of such things!  

  6. I should copy and paste this to my Xanga... and just change the names!!!  I think I will!!!

  7. So I'm wondering... how exactly distribute the appropriate discipline?  That's were my ignorance kicks in.  I know I must do something, but hardly am sure WHAT!

  8. I will do some searching over the weekend and let you know soon what I find for clothes. Maybe then I can just drop it off, so you don't have to make a trip with all your little ones - unless you want out of the house!

  9. Thanks for your encouragement about pre-labor...I do know that "signs" don't really mean much...I was 1cm and 100% effaced with Caedmon for 3 weeks without any contractions at all...I guess I just get some sense of relief from tangible evidence that my body is preparing for the inevitable.  I worry about going late because ACOG guidelines (and hence, most doctors - including mine) say that it is "dangerous" for any pregnancy to go past 42 weeks.  I don't agree with this, but my doctors have said repeatedly that they won't let me go past 42 weeks, which means repeat cesarean, since induction increases the risk of uterine rupture for VBAC pregnancies.  I don't want to be in this position, as I might then be forced to look for a new doctor (or midwife) at 42 weeks.  So, everything would just be much simpler if I was early or on time :).

  10. Happy Birthday (yesterday) to Gabriel!!  Can't wait to see you all!  Phyllis showed me pictures from her visit...Bronwyn's hair is so long and curly!!  How cute.
