Saturday, February 18, 2006

Today Daniel was scheduled to share his testimony at Upward. Shortly before it was time for him to leave, I suggested that we all go since much of my required morning's work was done and it sounded like a fun family outing.  I also suggested that we walk. It looked so brisk and sunny outside, and I have been greatly missing taking regular walks (I've been skeptical about bringing Jack out in this cold NY weather too soon). So we all bundled up and did just that.

Boy, was it cold! I still have pink cheeks--two hours later--and I'm loving it! After all, it's been quite a few weeks since I saw my face with any color other than that which I can artificially add, and I am amazed at how much healthier I look. Please don't burst my bubble by reminding me that my skin is just a bit chapped from the intense wind that greets one the minute they step foot on that long church driveway. I like to pretend that my hemoglobin levels are suddenly normal and that I'm going to look like a healthy individual from here on out. :)

(I just checked to see what the temperature is: 3* F, but it feels more like -16* F. No wonder Bronwyn cried the whole way there and back!)


  1. kayla has the SAME pjs as bronwyn in that picture!  i had to chuckle to myself as i read your last sentence in this post.  yesterday, i took kayla out for our daily-dose-of-fresh-air-walk and she cried, too!  very unusual for her as she *loves* being outside.  well, i realized it was literally FREEZING - her poor cheeks are still chapped!  dear me.

  2. Glad you got out for a bit. Fun fun! Glad your cheeks are looking healthier, even if it is a bit of frost bite:)
