Thursday, February 9, 2006

Today we're on our own again. I definitely was spoiled this past week having Daniel's mom here. I did little cleaning, lots of resting, a few "fun" projects (i.e. making heart-shaped sugar cookies and Valentines), and much enjoying watching my children enjoy having Rah-RAHHH--as she was dubbed by Bronwyn--around. I didn't even get out of bed every morning until around 8am because she was here to be with Gabriel and Brownyn.

So far this morning I had to wake up earlier (7am will eventually have to turn into something earlier if I want to have a quiet time and/or any exercise before toddlers arise, but I thought it was a good start after what has been), I gave baths to the tune of Jackson crying and crying (he really prefers being held and has been accomodated all this past week), the breakfast dishes have yet to be washed (I'm wishing the extra set of hands Mom P. provided was still around), and Gabriel is already bored to death (he's missing his all-time favorite playmate). Welcome back to reality, Brietta!

Thankfully, I'm still just laughing about the chaos of today compared to the calm we've had. Perhaps it's because I expected three children to be much more insane than two, but the normal perfectionism I demand of myself just isn't existing in its usual dominance of my emotions since Jackson's birth. I don't even think I would be embarrassed if all of you stopped in right now and saw how disheveled the house is!

In the meantime, I'm going to scoop my infant son up and delight in his need for snuggling (how quickly children outgrow that!) and try to interest my other children in some of their toys and books. The dishes in the sink might grow mold and the bathwater bacteria, but I refuse to be undone by such things. After all, I figure before we get to that point somebody would come to my rescue. :)

1 comment:

  1. Your little one in the photo is very "cool". I believe even she knows it! How cute.
