Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Jackson is one month old today. On the one hand, I can't believe it wasn't just yesterday that I was bringing him home from the hospital. On the other hand, it seems as though he's always been part of this family. We are so much richer with him!

Here are some "Jackson" tidbits:

--he is a very fair baby, and so far his hair continues to have an "orange" hue to it. Whether he will be red or strawberry-blonde we have yet to discover, but in the meantime we're enjoying the smeared-spaghetti-sauce-look.

--he has yet to sleep more than four hours in one stretch. This is good for him from a nutritional standpoint and bad for me from a sleep standpoint!

--he weighed in at the dr's yesterday at 8lbs 8oz, which is only a 4oz gain from birthweight. (I think even Maygen may have beat his weight gain this past month, and Gabriel and Bronwyn certainly did as newborns.) He continues to seem skinnier and more petite than my other children. Perhaps he'll take after his Papa Sinclair in more ways than just having reddish hair.

--he has only spit up a few times, and those times were insignificant. I am glad for this and am crossing my fingers that it will continue after having had two "spitters" previously.

--his cry is extremely small! We all have found amusement in his desperate attempts to gain our attention; attempts that are often to no avail because of how minor his wails are in comparison to the other noise in our house.

--he almost always holds his hands near his face much like a rabbit does, long fingers all pointed down. It's kind of funny.

--with his birth has come a new-found peace. The last month has been very free of the perfectionism and foolish self-requirements that have so often marked my life. Before he was born I felt the Lord telling me that this year--represented in Jackson's arrival--was going to bring victory in areas related to being a wife and mom. So far, I have known greater stability emotionally and less pressure to perform than before. When I look at my Jackson, I think I will always reflect on this.

Happy one-month birthday, Jackson Edward!


  1. He sounds absolutely wonderful:) Happy 1 month birthday baby Jackson.

  2. thanks for posting details about the little fry=)  garrett always keeps his hands near his face too...only he makes little fists. he looks like a little boxer (especially because we keep socks on his hands so that he won't scratch his face!). no spitting up- VERY impressive. I am always happy when i get to read your posts and find out how your family is doing! Esther

  3. YIKES! I just read your previous post. You poor, poor darling. I'll be praying about that.

  4. I just can not believe that a month has already passed since Jackson's birth!
    It's been so wonderful reading your posts on all God is doing in you as I find myself so able to relate to "foolish self-requirements".  I'm finding that I'm already overwhelemed at just the thought of doing already difficult things with 3 along for the ride.
    I hope I handle it all with a similar "new-found peace".

  5. FOUR hrs and at only ONE MONTH old??? that is incredible and a huge blessing! u really don't have very far 2 go. i still can't believe that...amazing

  6. I think you have the greatest excuse of all as to why commenting on 40 different weblogs may be difficult for you. Babies do such things:) Especially 3!
    I would love to stop by! Hopefully soon. I have a meeting today with my supervisor. Putting my time in so I can be home more and more involved at church. Perhaps I'll even get over to Madrid to help you out a day or two every now and then:)
    I also need your address to mail you an invitation to the get-together I was telling you about. My email is Have a great weeked!

  7. what kind of rabbit have you seen recently that always holds his hand near his face? : )

  8. Aww that is so cute! I missed the pregnant thing so I'm wearing a pregnancy top today! haha.-Andrea Josephs

  9. Your post was very encouraging to me.  It is so easy to worry about the little things and miss the huge blessings right in front of us.  I'm praying for some of the new perspective you have found :). 
