Thursday, February 16, 2006

Last night and today, when I laid Gabriel down for bed/nap, he stayed on his bed.

My son is almost three years old. He first climbed out of his crib somewhere around 7 months of age, when he literally stood on the bumper pad and catapulted himself over the rail of the crib and onto the bedroom floor. Removing the bumper pad later that same day really only bought us a little time before the issue of staying in bed was revisited. Over and over and over and over again--for years, literally-- he has been punished for getting out of bed after we have put him there. Daniel and I have spent countless hours dealing with naptime and bedtime problems. I have daily wondered how much longer it will take before he finally learns that he is not allowed off his bed! I do believe I've even looked at my husband and said, "I know he's not stupid, so he must be really, really stubborn!"

I do believe the stubbornness has been conquered!

Now, I'm not going to assume that this issue will never again arise (though I'll be thrilled if it doesn't), but I am amazed--no, I am blessed--by the past two times I've laid him down. Due to Jackson's presence in the home, I am not free these days to sit in the hallway right outside the bedroom to make sure Gabriel stays in bed, so I've just come downstairs to care for the baby immediately after laying Gabriel and Bronwyn down for their nap/bed. Usually, the sound of little footsteps running around soon follows my descent. But not so last night and today.

If you have spent any time in our home, you know the battles that have ensued over this issue. So take a minute and congratulate my son on his obedience. I certainly am doing just that!

1 comment:

  1. way to go, gabriel! congrats! and a job well done to the parents!
