Monday, September 10, 2007

The Final Ultrasound

This morning I went in for my final ultrasound. (Final, that is, unless I go a week or more late.) It was with great relief that I realized I am now done with such regular trips to the hospital. In theory, I should only have to go there once more in the near future. Yay!

Everything continues to look great, and that is just what I wanted to hear. I didn't get a single picture because her head is so incredibly low that the tech could barely measure it, let alone get a good glimpse at her face, but that's OK because I have enough to fill an entire photo album by now.

Measurements at this point are, of course, very sketchy. The tech told me weight estimates can be off a pound either way-- and still our baby came in at 6lbs 4oz, which is just a little below the 50th%. My guess is that she's at least 7lbs, based on what I feel.

Fluid levels were good, the SCH looked even smaller than at the last ultrasound, and blood-flow was excellent.

I am getting excited about meeting this little girl.

Excited and anxious.

Anxious, yes, because I would like to have it all over with. More anxious because I am at an increased risk of placental breakdown and late fetal death* and that scares me. I know the impatience in me is a result of fear and not faith, though, and so I am constantly reminding myself of His goodness and faithfulness. He has brought us this far.

And we have come far, haven't we?!?!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(Sorry it's so dark-- it was a cloudy morning yesterday!)

*These risks, while present, are still technically less than the risks associated with induction, which is why my doctor and I have together reached the decision that we will not induce at 38 or 39 weeks, though that is fairly standard protocol for patients with 2nd- and/or 3rd-trimester SCHs. It was in ways a hard decision for me because fear is working as a tremendous motivator to act while the Holy Spirit is asking us to wait. Mostly, though, I am excited about the testimony God is continuing to work in my heart through this pregnancy and baby.


  1. While you're trying hard not to be envious of my lack of discomfort... I'll try and not be envious at your lack of, what we all hope for you, progress. Can't wait to meet your little girl. You look great!
    My mind is so far off, I can't remember if I thanked you for the outfit and book. Anyhow, THANK YOU! :) I remember the book from a previous post of yours and hopefully Annabelle will enjoy it as much as your crew does.

  2. I'm excited, too. I'm so glad for the pic -- you look almost there!

  3. Keeping the prayers going!!! love you!

  4. You truly do look wonderful (tiny but wonderful! *smile*).  I was wondering what the dangers were -if any- during delivery with the SCH so I am thankful that you mentioned it.  Someone will need to let us know when you officially go into labor so that we can all be covering you and your little one in prayer... 
    *Cheering from the sidelines for Gods grace and mercy over these last months!!*

  5. Brietta,
    I have loved keeping up to date on this pregnancy, and have prayed for your little girls safety. Just remember that God, who has carried you two this far, will not leave you to do labor alone. I am praying it will be an amazingly easy labor for you.

    Sarah Ovaska

  6. This sweet little princess is going to be coming into this world with a full cheering squad! (What better way, to make an entrance?!)
    God is so faithful and I know he will continue to take care of this sweet little one and provide comfort to you. I am incredibly excited for you both!

  7. If anyone should feel off the hook with fall decorations, by the way, it's YOU! I'm pretty sure that having a baby due at the end of September automatically places all responsibility for pumpkins, mums, and any other decor on surrounding family! :)

  8. She better be more than a week late if I'm going to win that contest you set up way back when!!! I am JUST kidding. I hope you do go early, at least a little. That is always a pregnant mama's dearest (faint) hope. :)

  9. I don't comment often, but I've so looked forward to your updates. While you struggle with faith & not fear, those of us in this struggle with you watch in admiration as you place one foot in front of the other.

    Thanks for sharing - you are blessing people with your honesty & hope.


  10. This is just so cool to watch the whole way through, I did not have as much faith as you.  I doubted when you let Daniel go to Spain.  His parents told me they trusted you and he knew how to hear from God.  But I knew that if God went to all the trouble to make it hard for you to get antibiotics when you didn't even know you were pregnant, he wasn't going to let this matter harm your baby either.  I pray for the best and quickest labor you've had yet, with no complications.  You sound like you have a very good doctor too.  And because of what I've already seen I trust God will answer those prayers.    

  11. God is faithful...even when His timing and ours are not the same, but He won't let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, and you will have a wonderful testimony when all is said and done...made better by faith triumphing over your fear than if there were no "reason" to fear.

  12. It has been great to "follow" your pregnancy and to pray along with so many others for the safety of your little one. Hopefully we'll get to meet one of these days!

  13. This post made me cry. God is so so faithful and I love Him for that. You make one beautiful pregnant woman-seriously, you look fantastic and wonderful and beautiful! Thank you for the updates. I, too, am so looking fwd to meeting this precious little girl! I am SO excited for her arrival!!! She is one blessed baby! :)
