Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Miracle

Aubrey doesn't just need healing, she needs a miracle.

And God is able.

There is the temptation to dismiss my hope and faith as being naive or overly-optimistic, except that I know Who I serve. He delights in redemption.

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.  ~Isaiah 26:3

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

We will wait upon the Lord

We will wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign forever

Our hope, our Strong Deliverer

You are the everlasting God

The everlasting God

You do not faint

You won't grow weary

You're the defender of the weak

You comfort those in need

You lift us up on wings like eagles

~Chris Tomlin, Everlasting God

Aubrey in her "big girl crib" (she's out of the warmer!):
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


  1. She is truly beautiful and "Yeah!" for a "big girl bed".  Every little step is in the right direction.  We are continuing to pray with you for her miracle....
    Every time I come to your site, my eye catches the words at the top of your header, "Don't you see that children are God's best gift? ...the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Ps 127.3"  This is true of every child and yet, in times like these, such a powerful reminder and truth to lean on. 
    My heart aches for you and yet rejoices with you at the same time.  Your strength and decision to remain unwavering in your faith and trust in the Lord is encouraging to all.  (And at times like these, it is sometimes more a "decision" to trust than anything else.)  Even when your faith and trust for the future wavers, you know the Truth of Gods word and rest in it.  That is true and enduring faith. 
    Just wanted to encourage you as you have encouraged me.  Continue to know you are in our thoughts and prayers... 

  2. She is just such a sweet, beautiful baby! God's mighty hand is definitely on her and will continue to be.

    How are you and Daniel and your 3 other cuties doing, through this?

  3. love you, Bri... wait, does this mean Aubrey's nickname will be Bri too? That would be fun! :)

  4. Oh, totally! Bri and Brey!

    Yes, a miracle... I don't know if you saw all of the prayer alerts that went around the week she was born, but Nancy Cady sent a prayer, as she often does, and something she said got stuck in my heart. "[You created her]...and You're not done with her yet."

    And every time I close my eyes and think of Aubrey, I see His hands reaching inside to her little organs and she sleeps, tweaking here, touching there... I always think of that "knit" concept as only happening in our mother's womb. But Aubrey is still being knit. He's not done with her yet.

  5. That verse from Isaiah has been up on my kitchen cupboard for at least half a year, and I'm still learning from it! I pray that you will continue in His perfect peace as you keep your mind on Him.

  6. Congrats on the big girl crib! That is great.


  7. I will be praying in the great hope of that promise from Isaiah with you, too. That is a mighty promise! Rich and full and complete - just like He is. Love to you! Q

  8. Praying for that miracle right along with you...

  9. Isn't it great to know that we serve a miracle-working God!  I am thrilled to be here with the children.  You are welcome.  They are a delight.  We even ventured to the farmer's market in Canton this morning and then to a quick trip to the P&C.  The children were very cooperative, we got groceries and made it back home.  Later this afternoon we had Uncle Merrick here for some play time.  Gabriel had been very anxious to show Merrick his Mace Windu action figure.  The boys played very nicely together and even included Bronwyn and Jackson.  Sleeping Beauty is now a part of the Star Wars world.  I see God's grace in your children and His peace in this home. 

  10. Brietta, unless I can move something around, I don't think that I am going to be able to make it on Thursday. Misunderstanding with a client. So, so sorry! If you makes you feel any better, I think the fact that Daniel's hair is doing the rough part of growing out in Syracuse instead of around here...??? I think... :) Love you. Carina

  11. Constantly thinking and praying for all of you and for this miracle baby! Nicole and I are standing with you in prayer for our Amazing God to work this miracle in your lives.

    Thank you for being such an example of hope and faith in our Great God and standing on His promises.

  12. yay aubrey!  i remember what a HUGE accomplishment the bed moving was for us... she never had an incubator, though, eh?  good for her!  she's moving right along - and yes, MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!!  i've seen them first hand in the nicu!    ((hugs)) and prayers.

  13. Dearest Aubrey,
    Congratulations on making your way up, up, and up! You are a blessing to each doctor and nurse, I know you are. You are so perfect! I wish I could meet you in person. Your photos here on-line are absolutely beautiful! (You look so much like your mommy.) Give Dr. Curran and Dr. Bode some special smiles just from me, OK? And you take heart, precious little one- He has you cradled in His hands.
    Love Your Friend,
    Mrs. Criscitello

  14. Oh! It's such a high just to see Aubrey without all those machines wired to her!

    Our God is a God of miracles. It's Who he is! Isn't it wonderful that through these photos and posts, you can spur others' faith--and others spur yours at the same time? Funny thing about faith...it's kind of like the "Tribbles" in Star Trek--the more you feed it, the more it multiplies.

  15. I am praying for you. I had twins born 12 weeks early. Every day in the NICU was a roller coaster. It took us 11 long weeks, but my girls are now 4 1/2. I know these times are hard, but God is faithful. I know you can not imagine how much an impact your faith will have during this time on those around you.
