Tuesday, September 18, 2007

An Update

:: The past 5 days have contained so much, I hardly know where to begin. To say that my heart has ached and that it has also soared seem like the biggest understatements of my life. In it all, though, the Lord is a Rock for us. And the prayer, love, and service of so many saints truly does carry us.

:: For the official record, Aubrey Colette was born at 7pm on Thursday, September 13th, by emergency C-section. She weighed a very healthy 7lbs 13oz and measured 19" long.

That morning, I had voiced a concern to Daniel that the I hadn't felt much fetal movement in the last day and that I hadn't felt any since waking, even when I laid down. We prayed together. I breathed a sigh of relief that I had my regular prenatal appointment scheduled for that afternoon and that I could make sure everything was OK then.

I met the on-call doctor at my appointment and told her that I hadn't felt much movement. She immediately told me that I should drive to the hospital for a non-stress test, even though we heard a heartbeat and some faint movements there in the office.

One drive and two attempted non-stress tests later, a biophysical profile was being done because the regular fetal monitors were struggling to track a heart rate that sounded much too fast to the nurse and I. One glance at the ultrasound screen was all I needed to know that my baby was not healthy; I don't even know that I can pump my fist as fast as her little heart was beating.

Things happened very quickly from there. Because of what looked like fluid around her heart and liver, there was talk of an immediate C-section. Then specialists in Syracuse were requesting that I be transferred to Crouse Hospital for the operation since Aubrey would need to be in their NICU for care. Then the radiologist in Potsdam further talked with the specialists in Syracuse about the ultrasound results and a decision was made that the baby wasn't healthy enough for me to make the trip down before the birth, so a team of neonatal specialists would be flown to us.

And so Aubrey was brought into the world. Her first cry may be a sound I will never forget.

:: This evening Aubrey will be five days old. Her heart rate, which initially was in the 260-280bpm range, was brought down through defibrillation and has been around 110-125bpm for almost four days now, maintained by a pretty low dosage of medicine. She has a significant hole in her heart and her aorta is connected to both ventricles (sides), so that her body is unable to spread oxygen throughout her body on its own-- which is what first caused the tachycardia (fast heart rate). These two problems will have to be corrected by surgery at some point in the next several months.

The defect that took a bit longer to understand is what makes Aubrey's condition "extremely rare," to quote one of the cardiologists here: the top two chambers of her heart are reversed, as are the associations of her main arteries (the aorta and pulmonary). This double reversal is the reason her heart is working today; the doctor told us that two wrongs are working to make a right in her case. The doctors are currently gathering a lot of information about Aubrey's body as they try to determine whether this is something that will need to be corrected or if she might be able to live a healthy life with a "backwards" heart.

These are the facts as I understand them. Tests are still being done to learn more.

In the end, I know my baby is fearfully and wonderfully made. I also know that what the enemy has meant for the destruction of her life and the crushing of my faith is being continually redeemed by the Lord.

:: Aubrey Colette means "noble leader; people of victory." On Thursday afternoon as we anticipated her birth in that hospital room, her name was right. Who knew that a baby so small could be used by God to lead me... and Daniel... and so very many of us... in victory?


  1. Hey, I just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers. I know there are lots and lots of us who are waiting and watching for word of you and Aubrey via the internet. :) (Oh, and thanks for the update. I'm sure that wasn't easy to do from the hospital.) I'll continue to pray for your sweet baby girl.

  2. Ally also had a very fast respiratory rate as well and that was one of the reasons we had to stay.  Although, she had slightly undeveloped lungs so we think that was the cause.  Thanks for the update.  We've all been wondering how she (and you and Daniel) have been doing.  Much love...

  3. We have been and will continue to lift little Aubrey before the throne of grace for health and healing.  We are praying for strength for you and Daniel as well.  God Bless...  Sue

  4. Brietta Thank You for the update, we are thinking of and praying for you and your's!

  5. It is my firm belief that in heaven, we will all be able to tell our stories; you know, the testimonies of God's power and faithfulness wrought in our lives.
    What glory this little victorious leader has already brought to her Heavenly Father!

    Love you all so very very much. Our prayers continue.

  6. Thank you for the update! My prayers continue to be with your amazing, beautiful family.

  7. Joe and I were discussing Aubrey's name Saturday evening. How great is the goodness of God to provide a name that just validates both your and Daniel's ability to hear from Him... a name that builds faith. What a good thing! (I remember feeling this way about Joel's name "God is willing/healer, physician")

    Thanks for the detailed explanations... "The girls" and I have been waiting for the "Brietta Post" knowing that you would be able to use your words to pin down all of the medical jargon that can lose some meaning after traveling through multiple phone calls, messengers, etc... It's good to pray specifically and just to know what's happening with this little girl we've already all grown to love.

    We continue to pray... and to rejoice along with you!

  8. Wonderful post-I was thinking about her name and what is means yesterday.  The Lord is so good and surely He hand picked that name for His little princess!  Praise God for the good news and that she is doing well.  We will continue to pray for her continued healing as well as yours!  How are you doing physically from your c-section?  I'm praying a quick, complete, healing there.  I have something for you, it's kinda for Aubrey.  I want to send it to you over the internet.  I will try and send it here through xanga so if you get a chance check your messages!

  9. Just wanted you to know Noah & I are praying! What a miracle Aubrey already is & we are believing for more:) May God give both you, Daniel & Aubrey (as well as your other 3 little ones) peace, health & strength in abundance! I love you guys:)

  10. What an amazing testimony of your victorious little girl, and our awesome God! Thank you for taking the time to write of all the details - like Stacie said, we've all been waiting to hear it straight from you. Our thoughts and prayers are ever with you and Daniel and my beautiful niece!!

  11. I just devoured this update -through tears and sobs of rejoicing -twice.  Little Aubrey has been a miracle for more months than any of us knew.  For sure, what the enemy meant for harm, the Lord is turning into good...  Her very life is such a wondrous testimony.  Thank you for sharing the details that I have been so eager to hear!  Do keep us posted as you can and know that this household is praying for all of you throughout each and every day. 

  12. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers! God is good!

  13. Thank you so much for your update!  We can be even more specific as we pray for your sweet warrior princess, Aubrey Colette.  Looking forward to many more testimonies of the goodness of God.

  14. We love you, Bri.  We continue to stand with you and Daniel on behalf of your precious little girl.  She is beautiful.  God is faithful. 

  15. I've been doing very good at not having all the emotional/hormonal crying for the last few weeks, but this brought on the tears!  Very good ones though, happy ones.  Happy ones of God's greatness.  I wish I could've/can be the parent your parents are to raise children so kind and trusting of God.  Such witnesses to Him.   I especially like when you said what the enemy has meant for the crushing of your faith is being continually redeemed by Him.  (I wish I could write as well as you but this will have to do!)   It redeems me too, watching God work in your lives!  In fact, it's like we're having "church" right here on the website...He has lifted me through your trials.  I love you guys.  It's so good to see prayers answered.  4 years ago yesterday my dad had his aorta tear, and is alive to this day.  Only 90% get through the first week and he is here 4 years later, had his 79th birthday yesterday.  I am still trusting God for his salvation.  I'll be seeing him Sept. 29th, keep him in your prayers everyone, too!  We're still to see his true BIRTHday......
