Friday, September 21, 2007

Our New Routine

After an early morning phone call (around 6am) to the NICU to check on Aubrey, Daniel and I both settle back into bed to sleep for another hour. Then we wake, shower and dress, and make our way to The Living Room (aka the waiting room) for an hour or so of waiting, praying, 'blogging, and coffee-drinking (decaf for me, of course). We aren't allowed in to see our baby girl during this time because 8-10:30am is when the physicians are making their rounds.

From 10:30am-2:30pm we sit and stroke a soft cheek, hold a little body, make a couple trips to The Pumping Room, change diapers and record body temperatures, and pray lots more. Everyday so far we've also been able to speak with a neonatologist and a cardiologist during this time when they come for a special check on Aubrey.

At 2:30pm we reluctantly leave, well knowing this Mama needs rest even though my heart wishes I could stay by Aubrey's bedside 24/7. A nap is followed by dinner with some wonderful friends who have taken amazingly good care of us, and then we return to the NICU for a couple more hours with our newest blessing.

The night hours consist of a lot of sleeping broken by not-so-cuddly moments with the breastpump.

Today, though, our new routine will be wonderfully interrupted by a visit from Gabriel, Bronwyn, and Jackson. I woke early this morning and couldn't fall back asleep because I'm so excited to see them. This week has certainly caused me to cherish and appreciate the blessings of motherhood in a way I've never before understood. I am overwhelmed by God's goodness in letting me care for and love on these little lives.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you get to see your kids today. That's such a great feeling!

  2. Another Yay! here.  I'm sure your so excited and having them close will help your Mama's heart.  Have fun!

  3. Wow that is a long tough day. I am praying for you!


  4. What a long day but what a blessing to get to spend time with all of your children!

  5. I was shocked when Matt said how long the doctors rounds were but then I realized that the NICU you're at is probably much larger than AGH's.  I thought 45 minutes was long to wait!  I hope you are having a wonderful day with all of your children.  Thank you for allowing us to burden the sorrows and share the joys with you each day!

  6. I dropped off three very sleepy little ones and one very tired Grandma around 8:30.  Jackson was sound asleep and slept through the transfer to his crib.  I hope that his diaper isn't too soaked in the morning!  Bronwyn was parading about in her "bleu-tifull" shoes.  She proudly told me 3 times in a 5 minute span that they were a special gift from her Momma and Daddy.  Gabriel was having a rough time after a frantic search for a lost light saber.  Hopefully we will find it in the van in the morning when we have more light. 
    They all loved seeing you.  Thank you for being such a wonderful example as you trust the Lord to watch over your family!

  7. So happy you got to see your other 3 beautiful and wonderful little ones!!! No doubt they were thrilled to spend time w/you and Dad. I am sorry for the long waits to see Aubrey and not so cuddly nights w/the breast pump...props to you for waking. So glad Daniel can be with you. You, dear Brietta, are amazing. REally and truly. We are continuing prayer. Love you so much.  

  8. yay for seeing the wee ones.  i feel your "pain" -- waking to the pump.  i couldn't wait to rid myself of the pump... it took me 4 months, but was well worth it!  keep pressing on!  you guys are amazing!

  9. The dreaded pumping room! I know, not a very thankful attitude, right?
    As I read your update, I couldn't help but fly back in time to those NICU rounds- a time when I was able to go back down to the 7th floor and visit with the ladies who became my friends during those seemingly long four weeks prior to NICU time. A lot can happen in four weeks- especially when you are technically supposed to be in bed that whole time! If you ever have even a free two minutes of waiting- take the elevator down and go to the 7 south desk and ask for Belinda. Hug her for me! Smile at her with Jesus in your eyes and tell her your my friend. She is the charge nurse for 7th floor so she is ALWAYS there! She is basically the one who humored me when I wanted to write out my birth plan and she would always lobby for me when I had requests of any kind. She makes occasional trips up to the 9th floor to gaze at the precious little ones and pray for them. She is wonderful. I can't wait to tell Avery and Riley all about how she cared for the three of us when we needed caring for. I know your free moments are few and far between, but I'm just saying "if". I am always desperate to send a hug and smile her way.
    As for you, you must be recovering from that c-section alright. It sounds like you are getting around quite a bit. I remember being in bed for one week straight. Maybe it's because I had twins? I don't know. Maybe I'm just a punk! Even though I'm sure you are pretty sore, it sounds like you're able to do what is necessary. I am very happy to hear that you are able to go back and forth to the hospital so often. This is great news! Isn't it nice having friends who bless us in our time of need?
    Well, I wonder who is caring for Aubrey right this very minute. Dr. Bifano with her cat-eye glasses and leopard-print scrubs? Or Carla and and Kathy and Alicia? The three musketeers. I know she is in top-notch care as far as NICU's go. But more importantly, I know God is honoring our prayers for this little one. We will continue to hold you all up. I know it's the most important thing we can do!
    Love to you and your whole clan!!!
