Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our Yesterday

:: Upon arriving at Aubrey's bedside yesterday at 10:30am promptly (for Sarah: when I asked last night, there were 62 babies in this NICU, which I guess explains the long physicians' rounds), I was told that two things were changing in regards to her care: 1. her umbilical line was reaching the "expiration date" and so she would be switched to a PICC line, and 2. they were going to begin gavage feedings because they were worried about her bowels atrophying since she was approaching 8 full days old. At first this was disappointing to me-- the PICC line is because her sugar levels still aren't good enough to put in a peripheral line and the gavage feedings are because she hasn't been able to nurse enough-- but all in all I know that what the NICU staff has done is bought us more time before the cardiologists are forced to get her respiratory rate slowed down by some sort of surgical intervention.

:: We had such a wonderful time with Gabriel, Bronwyn, and Jackson. It was reassuring to see that while they don't completely understand all of what's taking place, they don't seem to care too much! They are having a wonderful time with Grandma in spite of missing us, and they seem very content to accept that eventually we will all be home again together.

I cried a lot, of course, when it was time to say good bye. There is much grace for us, but it still isn't very easy.

:: The cardiologists we spoke with last night basically told us that their hope is the next several days will be "quiet" ones. They continue to want to see Aubrey's respiratory rate come down-- either because of the daily dosage of the diarrhetic she's on or because her body naturally builds up some blockage in the artery that is over-circulating her lungs-- so that she can begin nursing and come home for a while. And so we are waiting.

:: Next Tuesday the four pediatric cardiologists here will have a conference with the pediatric cardiology surgeon and Aubrey's condition will be one of the several they discuss. We may have more of a game plan at that point.

:: Aubrey has a very unique heart. The cardiologists continue to say how they have never seen the combination of defects that she has in one person before. While this could be frightening to hear, it actually has reminded me of the protection of God. We didn't even know about Aubrey's condition for months and months-- we didn't know to be praying or acting-- but God did, and He was watching over her. This gives me much confidence that He truly does know what we need before we even ask.

:: Last night I suddenly remembered the contest I set up months ago predicting Aubrey's birth. I decided that the winner should not go unacknowledged, and so I plugged in the information this morning. Congrats to the winner: Kathy!

:: One of Aubrey's songs:

So fearfully and wonderfully made

How could they say

There is no God?

Reminded every breath that I take

It's by Your hand  I have been formed

So what am I gonna do with this life You gave me

What could I do but live for Your praise

You gave me this breath

and You gave me this strength

and everyday I live to obey You

with all of my heart

with all of my soul

Let every breath I breathe in display You, God.

There's elegance in all You create

Your grand designs leave us amazed

The wonders of the way we've been made

Speak of Your power

Tell of Your grace


  1. -I was brought to tears thinking of the good-byes you had to say to your own 2 boys and one girl...

    -I actually thought of that baby pool the other day! (Boy, was I off! =)

    -I see you updated your Aubrey ticker.. and I will probably continue to be shocked at how quickly the days add up!

    -I appreciate your easy-to-understand-with-links-and-definitions explanations of Aubrey's progress.

    -I don't think an hour passes around here when we don't think of, talk about, and most importantly pause and pray for Aubrey. How loved this little girl is!

  2. Glad you're able to keep us updated.......Praise God for Aubrey's stability thus far!

  3. I love you so much. Wish I could be there. Soon. Can't wait to give you a hug.

    ...And I can't believe it's been 9 days already. 9 God days, for sure.

  4. I am currently without computer service which is why you haven't heard from me over xanga or email. Sarah and Stacie daily call with the updates on baby Aubrey though!
    I am overwhelmed by God's goodness to us. I have been praying for baby Aubrey several times a day. I remember all too well the NICU rountine, the medical terms, the sick stomach feeling of leaving at night, the terrible pain emotionally and physically, the not-so-nice feeling of waking to "pump" instead of nurse, the pain of missing other kiddos, the saddness in knowing someone else was "caring" for my newborn, the emotional rollercoaster, the overwhelming feeling b/c I had to learn new medical terms and conditions right away, the fear of the unknown, etc, etc. but more than that what I did know was the steadfast love and protection of our Father! I have never had to trust and have faith like that. What an awesome feeling in knowing that God is bigger than the docs, medical interventions, and prognosis! Our God really is an awesome God. I sang to Maygen everyday the worship song stating, "for all you've done and yet to do..." , "revealed by nature and miracles, you are Beautiful...". How true. I pray for her and for you. (For all of you!) I remember how exciting it was to finally see her back for the first time or hear her voice or touch her or nurse her. I know I was able to see motherhood in a way I've never seen it before. I learned to appreciate everything and all things associated with motherhood in a new way!
    I love you and I will try and reach you by phone in the next day or two.

  5. Still praying.... OUR GOD IS AWESOME, he knows just what baby Aubrey needs,  he knows just what you all need to keep strong.
