Monday, November 13, 2006

I just got done bathing the kids. All three are in clean pjs (quite an accomplishment tonight since our washer broke last week and isn't yet replaced) and are in the family room. Gabriel and Bronwyn are watching Prince of Egypt and Jackson is playing with toys. In an hour, the two younger ones will go to bed. Gabriel will stay awake a bit later tonight due to a long nap this afternoon at an age that is quickly outgrowing naps.

The kitchen is clean. Everything that was being played with before dinner has been picked up and put away. If all goes well, I will have a couple hours to do some quiet things before Daniel gets home around 10pm.

Ordinarily, I would feel quite pleased right now.

But it just dawned on me that I never washed Gabriel's hair.


  1. Our dryer just stopped working this week...ahhh!
    See you soon:)

  2. LOL -I have done that!  Of course, me new challenge is making sure Aus does wash his... He loves taking showers (loves baths when allowed) but always forgets the whole purpose in getting in there!  I now have to literally do a "smell check" lol!   

  3. Ha!  You and soap tend to be two ships passing in the night these days, eh?  I frequently let Cassie take showers and baths and just rinse her hair instead of soap it up.  One miss isn't going to hurt any... especially when I get the impression that your children get baths twice as often as mine do!

  4. oh, funny!  Sometimes I have to stop and remember whether I put the baby wash on the kids hair because it's so wet that I can't remember if I did anything with it yet!  THey take care of the getting wet part! 
    If you need a washer to use, you're always welcome to come over or send clothing with Daniel to drop off and pick up around one of his many Potsdam trips!  Talk to you soon.

  5. That is funny. I am sorry though that you find out too late that you forgot to do something. Anyway that was a great post. I feel like this is what I have been thinking lately. That I need God's strength to do the day-to-day tasks of a mom who is always home. I have found myself becoming more efficient with time and tasks that I have asked the Lord to help me. I can keep up with things better, I like it. Especially when Hayla is clothed and napping due to my dancing around with her and not nursing, dinner is in the crock-pot cooking, the dishes are done, the books, toys and pans are put away, The table is clean and cleared, the crumbs are swept and in the garbage. I am also fully clothed, hair done, teeth brushed and I am relaxing. I love the feeling of completion. Except I need to clean the bathroom and that will DEFINATELY have to wait for a little later. Thank you Lord!


  6. Oh and about your comment, I am not exactly looking to get pregnant. We are trying to wait till Hayla is at least two I believe. But maybe, I could be. We have to wait a while to see though. It is funny how things work. If I am pregnant then I will have another sometime around August 15th-ish of 2007 of course. SO you could pray about it, that we find out soon if we are. Thanks. Always nice to hear from you!


  7. you could bring Gabriel in and I could cut his hair. ;)

  8. the movie I quoted was, "10 Things I Hate About You" with Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger. It is one of those "teenager" movies - but it was done probably five or six years ago - before the "teenager" movies started coming out - does that make sense?

    Sooo. I need a ride home from work today... what are you doing?
