Wednesday, November 15, 2006

10 months old today. I don't think it's just me; this year is flying by. Wow.

In the last week, Jack has grown up a lot. It was as though he woke up Monday morning and decided he was "one of the kids." Suddenly he's getting into trouble, standing on his own (accidentally, of course), pushing cars around the floor, playing hide-and-seek under the table with Gabriel...

To maintain his status as my baby, other than a handful of Cheerios during the dinner hour to keep him occupied in his highchair, Jack is still solely breasfteeding. Unfortunately for me, due to his increased mobility and activity these days and the accompanying discontent with what my body is providing him, I'm going to have to spring for some table food sooner or later.

I'm thinking I'll go for as "later" as possible. The longer I'm a mom, the more impressed I am with God's design. It's just plain old easier on both baby and me!

* * * * *

When our washer broke last week, it wasn't unexpected. We bought the thing very used 5 years ago. Our plan has been to replace it around the holidays, when appliances go on sale.

The afternoon our washer broke, a friend from church who has been working at Sears called to say that the washer we've wanted would be going on sale Monday and that he had a coupon he could use for us in addition to the sale price. All said and done, he managed to get us 30% off, plus free delivery and set up. We should be up and running on Friday.

What a blessing.

* * * * *

Last week I made oven fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and carrots with dill for dinner. It was a decent-tasting meal in my book and Daniel loved it, but I decided one of the reasons I hate "American" food is because it involves a million different pots and pans and the timing of multiple dishes being done at the same minute. I'm sorry, but this busy mom-of-three is quickly becoming a fan of the one-dish menus. Get the vegetable included with the meat/beans and rice/pasta and I'm totally there.

* * * * *

Along with Jackson marking 10 months of age, I am marking the longest I've been un-pregnant since spring of 2002. Please don't get me wrong--I absolutely love my children and am very much hoping for more in the future--but it is very nice to enjoy this season is my youngest's life without my head being stuck in the toilet.

* * * * *

The end of November is ever drawing nigh, and with it the realization that I will probably not get my Thanksgiving banner made this year. My monthly trip to hit up stores like Wal-Mart and Aldi resulted in the sad discovery that quilting squares are not to be found in Massena. I left with the hope that I might get to Ogdensburg for a stop at JoAnn's to get the needed materials one day soon, but since then I've been a little too busy to make a 30+ mile drive for some fabric and buttons.

Oh well. I'll just tear that picture out of the catalog and tuck it away for next year. I really am looking forward to not just having the banner, but to making it with the kids, and I figure Bronwyn will be able to participate more in the creating at age 3 than at age 2 anyway.

* * * * *

The Christmas season is quickly approaching and I am growing excited. The bulk of my shopping is finished. All that's left is the small (and sometimes surprisingly tricky, especially now that I don't live near stores) task of "finishing" the gifts. Then, of course, I want to be sure the stockings really will be stuffed--which wouldn't be a bit challenging for me except for budgets.

Before long, wreaths will be adorning my house in classic Colonial Williamsburg style. Daniel and I love Christmas too much to let it come and go quickly, so our tree will probably make its appearance in our home the first Tuesday in December. A decorated tree of course means a fresh batch of rumlogs baked and frosted to savor while staring in wonder at the twinkling lights and pretty ribbon and trinkets.

But first, Thanksgiving. And along with a day for giving of thanks comes a week's worth of days to spend with family and friends in our home-away-from-home.

I love this time of year.

* * * * *

God is faithful.

Each day lived strengthens my declaration that this is enough.


  1. your meal sounds amazing -- i love dill carrots!  i would so be with daniel on this one...
    funny that reading about your washer can make me so happy for you.  why do i care about your washer and how much your going to buy it for?!  i guess that's what happens when you love someone so much.  : )

  2. You words have brought a smile to my lips and peace to my heart as I am reminded of His faithfulness.  Thanks.

  3. Yippie for a new washing machine!  (and a lot of other things too)

  4. (Attempt #3 at posting here -slow down fingers!!!) :rolleyes:
    Your wisdom shone through on your comment...  It dawned on me this morning as I drove back home having accomplished nothing that it isnt my timing... It has to be Gods!  (So we spent the better part of the morning praying more!)  Of course, I wish I had realized that before...  I would not have gotten up at 5:30 if I didnt have to!!!   

  5. I have to run and just read about your banner problems.....I didn't get to read everything yet, but could you make a banner just for this year out of construction paper?  I bet it would still look nice and the kids would like it....use string or ribbon in between letters?
    Love you, we're going to miss you this Thanksgiving, we'll be in Chambersburg!!!!!!!!  But we'll have to find a time sometime.... 

  6. Hey Hayla is 14 months and she is still nursing all the time, that is all she wants, so you have a bit longer if you'd like! It has been tough but I keep doing it and she wont stop. We both are satisfied. I root you on!

