Thursday, November 2, 2006


--The lease for 57 Market Street will be arriving in my husband's Inbox sometime this afternoon. Words can't express how happy this makes me!

My faith is enlarged today because it is assured today. I see how specifically and faithfully God has answered our prayers and hearts' cries, and I know that this victory must be marked in my heart and mind. There is ever an evil day when the enemy of my soul would try to dissuade me that He isn't faithful... that He doesn't hear... that He isn't moved. I want to remember today.

--I have been frustrated by the lack of fall/Thanksgiving decor in my possession, as I feel that Thanksgiving is quickly becoming a holiday lost in the hustle and bustle of Halloween and Christmas and I want to be sure that my children recognize the importance of a day for giving thanks.

Last night, though, as I was perusing a Pottery Barn Kids catalog (I'm not sure why I do such things... perhaps to torture myself), I saw a Thanksgiving banner that looks as though it can easily be made at home. My objective now is to get quilting squares, several pieces of felt, and a lot of colorful buttons, and put together a banner of our own that can be used year after year.

--One of Jackson's four top teeth has come in enough for me to see that it is surprisingly crooked for a baby tooth. It makes me wonder if he inherited more than just the red-hair genes and also got my red-haired sisters' crooked-teeth gene. I really am hoping this is not the case, as I don't enjoy the idea of orthodontic bills.

--Tomorrow afternoon we leave for the fall BASIC conference. As of Monday, we have 39 students and 6 church workers/others attending the weekend in its entirety; I think some more people are planning on driving down to catch some of the sessions on Saturday.

God is doing some amazing things among the students.

Sunday night at LIFE Group, I was so encouraged. It's so good to see that His work really is continuing; that His Kingdom is expanding right here in me and in the people around me. I think there is absolutely nothing more refreshing than witnessing someone new to the Lord "get it." Awesome!

--In three weeks we'll be in Pittsburgh, visiting friends and family. I am already beginning to anticipate our time down there and I've even managed to get Gabriel focused on the joys of such a trip rather than complaining about how long a drive it is. (Matt and Sarah's trip up last month helped encourage him that seeing everyone again will be well-worth the travel!) He is now busy talking about playing Little People with Grandma, visiting Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, eating "gramola," etc.

--In keeping with the past couple days, today my kids have been busy. I am tired of breaking up fights, holding a whining baby, attending to boo-boos caused by wild play, and fixing broken toys and books that have been damaged in the wake of three energetic bodies. So what did I do when I heard baskets of toys crashing down in the family room and Gabriel's desperate cry that Jack was pulling all the tape out of a VHS?

I did what any good mom does: I turned the hand mixer up higher to drown out the noise.


  1. Hahahahaha  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!

  2. HAAAAAAAA!  When I became a first-time car owner at the age of 23 I came home and asked my dad what I should do about a noise I was suddenly hearing.  He replied, "Turn up the radio."  And I still take his advice in many other areas of life.  LOL!  Although, when Sonny's truck suddenly was making a knocking noise I suggested he turn up the radio.  Last night he discovered why the engine was knocking.  It was: "Knock knock!  Hello!  I have no oil in here!"  Oops!
    Enjoy your BASIC weekend.  What's with the Market St. Lease?  Are you moving?  Or did I miss something?

  3. Does that price tag really read $79.00!!??  Wow -you will save a ton making it yourself and it will be so simple!! 
    Have fun at BASIC -I have a few of their tapes from years ago and I just love them.  Are you taking any of the kids with you?  (Ok, maybe a bad time to ask that one... )
    Thanks again for the recipe -you just saved my sanity today!! 

  4. When standing at the kitchen sink with the water running, its very hard to hear anything from another room in our house. This comes in handy several times during the day. Arugements are not broken up by me unless there is real crying (such as the crying that happens when Lael hits Alyssa) or unless they come to me and explain what's happening. Having the sink as backround noise helps drown out the chaos!

  5. what a cute cute cute thanksgiving banner!  not worth the $79 but definitely worth the time and effort.  i think i'll make one, too!  thanks for sharing!! 

  6. Great idea -- maybe I'll jump on that bandwagon and have a banner, too! The girls would enjoy making it and Merrick could even have a hand in it -- with some help. ;)

  7. I too found myself on the couch last night looking through that same catalog.  The banner did catch my eye but so did the $40 turkey head piece!?!  Amazing how they get away with that. 
    I also saw their knit Christmas stockings and fell in love.  I'm trying to figure out in my head how I can reason that purchase to be wise...hmm.  Also $40 each.  Maybe they;ll go on sale after the holidays. 
    We are looking forward to your visit as well and would love to plan a dinner/game night for one of the nights.  We wanted to plan ahead so hopefully we can find somthing that works.  Maybe that Tuesday before Thanksgiving??

  8. I printed the picture off as well and will making one with my kids too. We are actually having company for Thanksgiving this year.

  9. Ah, I've been "guilty" of turning up the volume on an appliance in order not to hear the noise of my children. I had to laugh.

    What's not funny, though, is the thought that anyone could possibly pay $79 (!) for a simple crafts project that could easily have been featured in Better Homes and Gardens, can go together with scissors and glue, and would be so much more fun to make than to buy.

  10. I would sooooo just buy it. I mean- I won't, but if I had to choose I'd so buy it. Criscitello crafts last days. Pottery Barn investments last decades. I'm barely crafty and creative enough to type in my debt card number!

  11. P.S. I'm definitely buying the decorative crows. Did you see those things?
