Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We've got snotty faces and plenty of whining to spare around here. Guess it's going around.   So far, other than throwing up first thing yesterday morning, I've felt healthy. Tired, but healthy. (Why is it that when adults get sick they just want to sleep, but when kids get sick they just want to keep their parents awake all night???)

Which means I can't complain. Especially since this means we ought to have the yuckies out of our systems by the time our highly-anticipated out-of-town guests arrive at the end of next week!


  1. Hayla is just finally getting over a long cold and its probably due to some teething, I wouldn't doubt it. So I hope you are all feeling better! I will be praying!


  2. I hope that everyone feels better quickly.  We seem to have the same thing around here.  I was so afraid that we had the throw up thing when Aidan and I both threw up first thing in the morning, but it seems to be just a cold now.  I'm so glad!  Hopefully everyone feels better quickly!

  3. I hope you all feel better soon!

    As for the clothes, whatever is easier for you is fine right now. If we find out that we're finding a girl, then whatever is accessable for you to sort through is fine. If you are going through clothes for fall/winter now, and come across anything that was ours, then we'll it welcome back. But no pressure. What ever is easier for you!

  4. get well and whatnot. whip them germs!

  5. They're so cute!!  BTW I've been meaning to ask you if you could give me again the name of that book/author for potty training.  I deleted it by mistake!  Thanks!
    love to your little family!
