Friday, August 1, 2008

It's been quiet...

...around here.

But not really, because my days haven't been at all quiet. I'm not sure how one more little guy--specifically, my 22-month-old sparkly-eyed nephew-- can seem to fill up the house so much, but I think his effervescent personality combined with how busy my own kids get when there are visitors around makes the difference.

It's been so fun!

The weather has been great this week. Somehow, the combination of sun and out-of-town family staying here really makes it feel like summer. I like it.

Coming up::

:: celebrating my parents' 30th wedding anniversary a bit early, while all us kids are together.
:: a trip to Long Island
:: Bronwyn's 4th birthday
:: a visitor from out of town
:: the kick-off of our first official year homeschooling

It's crazy how these days are flying by.

So, yeah. Quiet online, but not in real life.


  1. I'm gglad you updated.  I've been checking in a lot, and then started going through your family's blogs to try to catch some news about you.  LOL!  Yeah, you got a fan club in VA.  aka- ME!  Oh, did you get my email about the Bosch shipping?  Let me know... I've been having trouble recently with emails not getting to people and not getting to me!  ACK!  I might have to get rid of my 7yo email address!!!  NO!  It can't be so!!!

  2. Sometime when life slows down for you, I think that you should post a complete review on cloth diapers and how you like them now that you've used them for a few months.  Also, any thoughts that you have on fuzzi bunz in particular would be fun to hear! 
