Friday, September 19, 2008

Tears for the unborn

I am a mom. I have seen and held babies who are taking their first breaths. It is a miraculous thing that words can't ever begin to describe: such beauty overwhelms and overtakes me.

Oh, but my heart is breaking afresh for babies who never take those first breaths, whose lives are snuffed out-- destroyed-- before they get a chance to fulfill their destiny. I cringe at the thought of their pain as they are killed. I weep for the mothers who don't understand what they are doing, and I ache for the ones who have so bought into a lie that they know and just don't care. I cry for the believers in our nation who are more concerned about healthcare, the UN, working moms, energy resources, and their pocketbooks than they are about the murder of babies.

I'm not writing this to make anyone upset. These are the constant thoughts on my mind these past few days. I can't shake them. My heart is gripped.

I'm broken.


  1. Colby and Molly were discussing abortion today in the car.
    Molly basically wanted to know what it was and Colby explained it to the best of his ability.
    She then asked, "So, it's killing?"
    He nodded his head. "Yeah, they probably just call it 'abortion' so they don't have to feel bad about what they're doing."
    She sat silently with a frown on her face.
    We are so very blind.

  2. I so agree !!!! There isn't a day that goes by that you don't hear about something about a child or baby being killed. It's sad that this day and age life isn't more important then as people throwing out the daily trash. I pray for those who can't figure for themselves what's right. And I cry for those babies that "never got to take a breath" !!!

  3. It bothers me, too, when believers put self-serving issues before the taking of innocent life.  I don't understand it.  It amazes me how abortion went from an unthinkable, horrendous act to something that is taken lightly by so many in just a couple generations.  I cannot fathom how anyone can be content being ignorant on such an issue, or worse, how someone can know the truth that abortion takes a child's life, but just not think that life is worth the "inconvenience" it might cause the mother.  It is heartwrenching.

  4. My heart cries for those little ones too. Nothing rips my soul to the core more than this.

  5. I think about this every day and my prayers go out to all the moms, babies, doctors and the dads, too. I know there are so many guys out there who would have stepped up tot he plate and raised that child up, only to have that opportunity stolen from them. Heartbreaking.If only more people would see the wonderful opportunities that abound and see what a blessing each child is, no matter their family's income, no matter the health issues, etc. I am anxious for the day when we have the funds to adopt children. I believe that every child (born or unborn) deserves to know that they are loved.

  6. I have been thinking a lot about this.Friday night, I was incredibly moved by Julia's performance of "Life is Such a Beautiful Thing". You should ask her for the lyrics.Celebrating life is a powerful force for good.

  7. yes there's a time for peace, there is a time for war
    there's a time to forgive and a time to settle the score
    a time for babies to lose their lives
    a time for hunger and genocide
    i'm trading comfort for human life
    and that's not just murder, it's suicide
    and this too shall be made right
    -derek webb
