Monday, January 23, 2006

Tonight finds me a little melancholy and a whole lot missing some really good friends.


  1. Missing you too...
    How strange it is that we haven't brought over a congratulatory post-baby dinner or chatted over the details of Jackson's birth.  Oh, I know you're in good hands. We Pennsylvanians are the ones missing out! 

  2. Bri,
    So glad to have stopped in the other night.  Baby Jackson is just beautiful.  I never take for granted the gift of holding a newborn.  It really is like cradling a miracle in your arms.  Thanks for letting me hold your little guy.  If you need anything feel free to call.  I am so very glad that you are here.  I understand the "after baby melancholy" feeling. Love you.

  3. Miss you too. Hopefully we'll get to see you and this new baby soon!

  4. Brietta,
    When you're feeling up to it... I was curious as to how you went about picking out your OB/GYN. I'm so afraid of going in a wrong direction and I would love to know what exactly to ask or look for. Thanks!
