Saturday, January 7, 2006

Our house has finally been de-decked. Now we get to discover what this new home is like without
Christmas decorations. Right now the whole place is looking a bit empty
of personal touches since I haven't even unpacked the "little" things
yet. But soon. Very, very soon.

Today Daniel took Gabriel and Bronwyn outside to play in the snow. They
had such a good time, and I so enjoyed watching little people tumbling
around as they tried to walk! I appreciate Daniel's investment in them
more and more; it makes such a difference for them to have
"Daddy-time." And the bundled up little guys made for some fun photos!

I pulled out the box of baby clothes and washed some of the more gender
neutral articles. There are two piles of clothing remaining untouched
in the box: baby boy and baby girl clothing. I'll keep the box
accessible and within the next couple weeks I'll know which pile to get
washed and ready to be worn. I thought girl for quite a while, but of
late have been thinking boy. My husband thinks boy. My dad thinks girl.
Time will tell all and we'll soon know who is right and who is wrong!

I'm more excited about this coming year than I've been about any new
year. I have a genuine and deep confidence that God's grace and power
are available for transformation--in me and in His church. His
provision and care have been proven in a new way over the last several
months. His faithfulness has continued. I am ready to trust Him all the


  1. Well, I think your dad's guess may be coming from experience, ya know? Most of his kiddos turned out to be the "fairer sex," right?

  2. I hate when we take down our Christmas decorations...everything really is so empty and plain looking...hope all is well with you guys: )

  3. I'm saying girl...but have only thought that as of recent...I couldn't make up my mind before that.  I just asked Matt and he thinks girl too.  Although he is convinced, as is my sister, that we are having a boy.  Oh the fun of not knowing!!

  4. We "de-decked" our little home on saturday too. Christmastime goes too fast. I'd love to see little snow bunny pictures!

  5. I totally agree with you about the importance of "Daddy-time" is obvious that Caedmon adores Tim and loves their time together.  Likewise, Tim (and I'm sure all other daddies) treasures his play-time with Caedmon...and I just enjoy watching :).  I'm sure this makes a huge difference in our kids' lives.

  6. Definitely a boy! You must be getting excited~

  7.'s 50/50 right? It has to be one or the other....  I am glad the children are enjoying more "Daddy" time. I am sure Daniel is enjoying it too. :)

  8. hey brietta, it's ethan thomas. i stumbled across your site, and i have to say, it was a lot of fun to do so. reading about your family is just so much fun. when i see you all when i'm home it just makes me smile. God bless you all, i look at you guys and think, "i want something like that when my day comes." see you!

  9. I hope all is well, thanks again for having me around.
    love, your friend nathan
