Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The sounds of two little people interacting with their Daddy reach me as I sit here in my bed, and--unbelievably--a new baby boy is laying where his father usually sleeps. I look down at him and am amazed. It doesn't matter that I've given birth before, or even that I've given birth to both male and female; this baby--this person--right here takes my breath away.

His was the hardest labor I've had yet, and I suppose that's saying quite a bit since I was in labor with Gabriel for fifty-one hours. Not only was labor very, very long, but I was in "transition" for over four hours. Contraction after grueling contraction, with only ten to sixty second pauses in-between them. I wanted to die. I thought I would die. I thought nothing in the world could possibly be worth the absolute pain and exhaustion I was experiencing.

And then... there was him.

Maybe it's because I had to work so hard to see him. Or maybe it's because he represents so much of this past season in life for me. Or maybe it's simply because he's so perfect and beautiful. Whatever the reason, the joy of his birth is far from feeling repititious and--in fact--seems to have brought renewed hope in a special and unique way.

I can't wait for you all to meet him. We won't be out and about too soon this time around since I suffered quite a blood loss which my already-anemic body didn't handle well (for those who know numbers at all, my hemoglobin was 6.2 when I left the hospital yesterday morning), but soon--very soon--you will see my son, and you will perhaps get a taste of what I mean when I say, "He was worth it."


  1. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!

  2. you need to add jackson to your interests. :)

  3. Brietta
    I'm so happy for you, and proud of you, and rejoicing for you. You bring tears of joy to my eyes just hearing you talk about your babies. I can't wait to meet Jackson. Have a wonderful week with your new fresh baby.

  4. I'm sitting here on my couch, almost the same place I was sitting in April when we were having a connection group meeting, all sharing about what was going on with us.  None of us expecting but all in a place where we could...and how fast the year has gone since then!!
    Congratulations!  Can't wait to see you all and meet Jackson!!  Miss you all!

  5. Brietta, we're so happy for you - congratulations!  You did it!  We can't wait to meet Larry's newest cousin.
    For my part, I can't believe you have the strength to type.  When my iron was at 8.5, I didn't have the strength to eat, let alone write (transfusions are a good thing!)
    Our love to you all,

  6. What a girl you are! You are the best!

  7. Reading your post brought tears to my eyes! Congrats again. I have been praying that you will have a renewed hope and strength in HIM. Enjoy these next few weeks with you newest addition. Can't wait to see his little face in person!

  8. piggy back contractions for 4 hours....oooohhh...I thought 30 min. was bad.  he's a sweety..

  9. Hi!  I was just telling Daniel that I wish that I had a vehicle during the day so that I could run over to visit you.  I know that I got tired of not really seeing/talking to anyone during my postpartum recovery.  If you're bored at all, just give me a call.  I'd love to talk.  Enjoy your time resting and nursing!

  10. Yay for another Paladin boy!! He looks adorable=) I hope that you are getting lots of rest. I can't wait to see more photos of the cutie. How are the other kiddos handling the new arrival? I am SURE that "he was worth it!!"
