Saturday, January 28, 2006

At some point, somebody asks you what your hobbies and interests are.

You pause--because you're not really sure. And that seems weird to you. I mean, everybody knows what they like to do in their free time, right? After all, there are movie-watchers and poker-players. There are hockey-game attenders and rock-concert attenders. There are readers who devour books in a week. There are joggers and weight-lifters. Surely you are into something.


You realize you don't have hobbies and interests--unless writing five-minute brainless entries on a xanga counts as a hobby--because they typically require freedom from young children who get into glue sticks when you try to do a craft or who make your daily walk three times longer and much, much slower than it should have been. (This is a dilemma I am faced with now that I have three children and a stroller that only holds two.)

But before you answer the question, you realize that you're okay with not having a hobby or interest. And why not? Plenty of girls dream about having babies, look forward to dressing children, and plan on being a mom. In a way, what you're doing everyday really could be looked at as an interest.

So with a pleasant satisfaction and contentedness, you answer, "Not really. But that's okay."


  1. Totally relate to the "blank" that sometimes comes when asked: "What do you do besides work?" Then again, I suppose I could say that my hobby has turned into my profession, but then at that point is it still a hobby?

  2. Too funny.  I can relate.  What Mom of little ones actually HAS a hobby?  I'm not too sure!

  3. I love that in your profile pic Jackson has the characteristic Sinclair open mouth while sleeping!  Too too cute!

  4. Can I bring you dinner on Thursday? (This is my hobby)!
