Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More on gardening

First of all, I thought I should expound on yesterday's declaration that our perennial bed is "doing so well!" Because, really, if you look right now, the plants are still small and there is still more mulch than green, which is not the way I like gardens. That disclaimer aside, I cannot begin to describe to you the happiness that seeing these plants-- which were far smaller when we planted them last July-- growing and thriving brings me! This perennial-gardening is a process, but one I am thoroughly enjoying.

The bad thing about this gardening work is that I really find myself doing my other chores very begrudgingly. You know, the indoor ones. Not to mention, there are moments when Aubrey is sitting in the yard crying while I tell her to "Just hang on, Baby!" until I've finished puttering about.

And here's another thing: when we spend lots of time outside in the gardens, the kids get really dirty. Which means an extra-dirty mudroom and bathroom from the clean-up afterward. So, really, my desire to be outside all day long is not only making it harder for me to do the things inside that I need to do, but it's actually creating more indoor work in the long-run. What's a girl to do???


  1. I'd keep on gardening! Sounds healthy for you and your kids!

  2. I thought all of that when I read about the start of Amanda Soule's beach days. I was like, Awesome, totally fun, but who cleans the sand trail every day? Surely not a mama who's been sitting outside getting exhausted all day long!  :)

  3. By the way -- is Aubrey way past being content in an ergo or something? (Do you even have an ergo at this point? I can't remember.)

  4. Hi Brietta :)
    Your post made me laugh today... it seems that almost EVERYTHING that I do with the sweeties (if we are really,really doing it) creates more work or takes longer. I've decided that there is a great and powerful lesson/gift in that somewhere - and to definitely keep it up :)
    Your joy over your garden was such a delight to read!
    Love to you & hugs, Q

  5. I hear ya.........maybe we need a shower room outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
