Monday, May 18, 2009

Catch-Up Monday

Two kids are napping, two kids are playing outside, one husband is mowing the lawn, and one tired mama is resting.

We've had a full and fun couple days: I saw CFA's production of Seussical! almost 4 full times (one time through I left early because I was just soooo tired and couldn't make it any longer!), and it was wonderful. Daniel's parents drove up and stayed with us over the weekend, and we also hosted Daniel's sisters, Abby (and her family) and Beth, for meals and games and lots of kiddo playtime Saturday and Sunday. It was great to hang out.

And, yes, my anemia has been getting the better of me this past week. When the doctor first told me that my 12-week bloodwork came back with low hemoglobin levels, I didn't really believe him. I've never had early bloodwork come back with too-low levels before and since he didn't give me the exact numbers, I figured I was just on the low end of normal and that he was simply being paranoid given my history of anemia.


I now am without a doubt that the doctor was right (shocker, I know): I am absolutely, to-the-bone exhausted pretty much around the clock. There have been several occasions already when I actually feel too tired to even eat-- and you know that's saying something! For the past week, I've been doing the minimum to get by.

But today is officially Catch-Up Monday.

The washing machine has been running pretty much non-stop since this morning and I spent a while first thing re-organizing and tidying. (Housekeeping gets put on hold when there are people to visit with and special events to make time for, but at some point everyone still needs clean underwear!) A nap, a simple dinner meal, and a quiet evening here at home should all help with the physical catch-up.

I hope, anyway!


  1. Have you ever tried drinking liquid chlorophyll for anemia. I used it with my last pregnancy and couldn't believe the difference it made. You can find it in Martin's health food aisle or any nutrition store. Glad you could be with family

  2. I know just what catch-up Monday is all about.. and an extremely tired one too! Although you can imagine my excitement when today at my appt I was told I'm just border line anemia! Usually at this time I am past the point of no return. I'm sure it will get worse as pregnancy goes on, but I was thankful, and though I am tired I definitely haven't felt "that" tired. But all that said I know what 'that' tired feels like so you have my sympathies!

  3. @ReneeOckrin - So since you've now had an ultrasound and an appointment, do you have an "official" due date???Yay for you on no anemia!  Keep up the good work!(I was really determined I wouldn't be anemic this time around even at my 28-week blood draw, but I think the "morning" sickness of the first trimester thwarted my best attempts.  My diet was soooo minimal and soooooooo poor those weeks!)

  4. @mrs_ande - Someone else recommended that to me the last time; I have yet to try it, but it's on my shopping list for the next time I'm at our natural foods store!  Right now I'm taking I-X along with my prenatal vitamin, though Daniel is urging me to start taking the Rx my doctor gave me... I just hate those iron pills so much, you know?!?!

  5. @danicasinclair - Is floradix what you took this last time around?

  6. yes. well, i took floradix after jameson was born, since i was so done in by the blood loss. this time around, my midwife had me take it the whole time -- standard procedure for her, i guess. 

  7. @brietta - Would you believe it.. NO!! No 'official' one yet. I guess the ultrasound was reading Nov. 5th, based on my period, Oct. 26. So all he could really give me was end of Oct beginning of Nov. Which I'm okay with seeing as it gives me a greater span to be pregnant and possible go over rather than a definite cut off time and induction! I have another ultra. in 3 weeks where he said we'd go from there. But I still can't get a ticker up yet for this baby!

  8. @ReneeOckrin - I wonder why he didn't go with the u/s due date and just call it done?  Usually if there's a discrepancy of more than 7 days in an earlier u/s, they go with the u/s...Anyway, I say go with the later date!  Like you said, you get more flexibility on the far end, and it's always nicer to have a baby early rather than late, you know?!?!
