Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Around our yellow house::

:: We had our annual Senior Work Day yesterday. In exchange for a meal (or 4 or 5, if the project goes on and on the way last year's fence project did!), these graduating students generously give us a day (or 2, in last year's case!) of their time and energy. It is a blessing beyond anything I can communicate.

:: Jackson asked me, "Mom, do you think my pickles are cute?"

"Your pickles???"

"Yes, my pickles," as he points to the sprinkling of freckles across his nose and cheeks that showed up this past week.

Oh. my.

Does it get any cuter than this?

:: We have replaced Easter artwork on our dining room art display string with spring artwork, but this housekeeper has yet to get the Easter decor put away. Some things just aren't more important than getting to bed early, you know?

:: Gabriel and I are working on Mother's Day gifts for his Nana and Grandma. I can't give more specifics since they both read this blog, but I just have to mention that he is an incredibly fun and creative gift-giving partner. I love that it really is a mutual sharing of ideas with him.

:: I hope to get our lettuce and herbs planted today or tomorrow. In a couple weeks it will be warm enough to get the tomato, pepper, and squash/zucchini plants in the ground. I am so excited for year two of vegetable gardening.

(Gabriel refers to the plants as our Summer Guests. I love it.)

:: Aubrey's vocabulary is growing daily. Recent additions are More, Crack (for crackers, that is), Cook (for cookies), Sing (this is her cue for a bedtime lullaby), and 'Side (outside). She's also eating a lot more these days, though she's still a pretty picky eater and, as usual, Daniel's food always looks better than hers.

:: I am feeling very unmotivated in the spring cleaning department. I keep reading/hearing about other people's endeavors and thinking I should be so inspired, but I am struggling. Is it okay to skip it this year?


  1. I could tell Gabriel was/is a creative gift giver from last night. So cute!

  2. Soooo many things to comment on! Jackson's pickles are, I'm sure, the sweetest little sun-kisses ever. Tell him that Jameson has his own smattering this year.You DEFINITELY get a pass on spring cleaning. I say that with such confidence because last year I was in your shoes -- and making dinner was my grand accomplishment. I figured "spring cleaning" could wait till nesting hit. AND spring cleaning in the North Country is just a poor use of valuable outdoor time, you know? Sit on the grass, I say. Drink lemonade with an ant floating in it and call it a perfect use of a spring day.

  3. jackson is so awesome.  while i was there yesterday i was telling him how cute they were!

  4. I say it's absolutely fine to skip spring cleaning!  I remember years (yes, there were more than one!) when I was just able to keep up with laundry and enough food in the house!
