Saturday, May 2, 2009

Boys are weird

Both my sons have now gone through a phase where they like to, um, use the bathroom trashcan instead of the toilet. Maybe they get bored aiming the same place all the time and like to try something new?

This is very unpleasant for their mother and is quickly stopped by way of swift swats to the bottom.

Naturally, I thought it was strange when Gabriel went through this interest. Now, a few years later and much to my shock (and chagrin), Jackson has been doing the same thing. Daniel tells me it's not as unusual as I think.

Can I just say it?

Boys are weird!


  1. Oh man! Thanks for the heads up!  I will be on the look out! ...boys are weird!

  2. LOL.... I have yet to experience this situation with my 5 year old but I now know to keep my eye open and my nose on the :)

  3. Well, my boys went through a phase later on where they went on a tree in the back yard (in the city, mind you) ... I wondered how they could stay out for hours on end without coming inside. Now, why didn't we think of that when my mother scolded us girls for running in and out, in and out of the house?Say, Amsterdam came up with an idea: a fly etched into the urinal!

  4. Maybe just YOUR boys are weird. ;) Mine have not tried that one! They have peed off the porch though!! :)

  5. Oh my, such funniness! Actually I wouldn't put up with it either! Hope my boys don't get the urge. I have let them use an old yogurt cup for emergencies; like when they both have to go.

  6. @sarahellie - My boys have never tried going outside.  Part of me would prefer that, but another part of me is glad I don't have to worry about what the neighbors think! (They just watch stones fly through vehicle windows is all... )

  7. So funny! I'm laughing through all of this but, knowing and hearing all about boys, none of this surprises me!!  Boys will be boys, as the saying goes!!  Don't let any of it surprise you!  Daniel is right! It is not that "unusual!"  And, having 5 brothers myself, I can attest to it all!! ;o)

  8. I just read your blog to my husband and he really laughed and wondered did our boys do that??  I reminded him that there was no trash can in there as there wan't any room for one.  So that did not happen but I do recall having a bathroom check going for a while to find out whose aim was so poor that they could not hit the toilet bowl.  After a few checks the problem stopped.  Yeah boys will be boys as they say!!  Gramma

  9. haha!  Just a few mornings ago I was cleaning up the kitchen when I heard the distinct sound of something hitting the wall in the bathroom.  I went in to find Aidan laughing and aiming UP!  I think that he was trying to see how high he could get it on the wall.  Yes, boys are weird!  oh, and Aidan thinks that peeing outside is the coolest thing EVER.  I'm pretty sure that he waits so that he can go outside!

  10. Yes boys are wierd...but I think my mom probably thought I was pretty wierd when I tried to go like a boy and made a mess!  One of my sons went in odd places....

  11. you ain't seen nothing yet...wait until they open their upstairs bedroom window during the night...

  12. believe it or not...this is actually a little encouraging to me. :) My son was doing the exact same thing for awhile and I began to think something was wrong with him. It hasn't happened in awhile but, just to know that other boys do it too is good. Those swift swats on the bottom are helpful. :) -Gina M.
