Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It's been snowing almost nonstop since sometime during the night. Our world is covered in white. It is altogether very breathtaking, which is exactly why I'm glad I don't have to go out into it at all today.

You see, I'm battling a bit of a cold. It's not bad-- just a headache and a runny nose-- but enough that I have slept pretty badly the past two nights. My sinuses were starting to hurt this morning until a few minutes in a REALLY hot shower opened them up a bit. I forget how much I take breathing for granted until I can't.

Blankets, candles, and hot tea are in order. The kids are all down for naps (simultaneously, which is a big deal since it's only been recently that I can coax Aubrey to stay awake all through the morning) and my surroundings are rather tidy, so some nursing of this cold sounds like the best thing I could come up with doing this afternoon.


  1. Feel better soon... Eat lots of oranges! tea w/honey! you know the routine. Enjoy it if you can!

  2. How are you feeling? I think I hate having a cold more than the flu. Colds seem to hang around forever whereas the flu is icky but short lived. I'll pray for a speedy recovery and that no kiddo's get sick too.

  3. 'tis the seaon...for colds that is! 
    Get better soon!
