Sunday, December 28, 2008

A quick weekend review::

:: I have had far more coffee these past few days than I would like to admit. This is not just because I've been tired, but mostly because when life gets busy, I really like pausing for a few minutes with a hot cup of joe in hand. Mmmm...

:: Our snow is completely gone. Our garbage pail was almost gone, too, having blown far from its intended location in today's windstorm.

:: I spent the whole day with relatives. So, so fun.

:: Aubrey doesn't sleep enough. She's also very loud (thank you, Jackie, for keeping her during the ceremony Saturday evening so that we could all actually hear the vows!). And she's very much an incredible miracle and blessing.

:: My kids are darlings. They have done so well with minimal sleep and very crazy meals (or lack thereof) these past few days. I am so proud of them.

:: I could listen to the music played/sang at the wedding ceremony over and over and over and over again. It really was that good.

:: Somehow, I've managed to not fall dreadfully behind on laundry this weekend. Part of me thinks there must be a tote bag or backpack stuffed with dirty clothes from some quick change that took place in some remote location that I've forgotten about, but I really don't think so. Wow!

:: Daniel is a great dad and the most gracious husband. I love him.

:: Carina was a beautiful bride. Her day was so special and I was so glad to be a part of it.




  1. I hope you get a chance to sleep a bit in the coming days.  When you get a chance I would love to see more picturs of the wedding party, especially of the beautiful flower girl.  Carina is gorgeous!

  2. @phyllispaladin - I'm not sure how many photos of Bronwyn I will have access to in the near future. These photos are actually ones my dad took while we were dressing and getting professional photos taken. I completely forgot my camera in all the hubbub of the day. Bronwyn did a terrific job! She walked and smiled so nicely during the ceremony, and she and Merrick were adorable at the reception dancing together every chance they got!   In the final moments before we left, she and Gabriel were falling asleep on the floor at the reception hall, but they never had bad attitudes or meltdowns.  Bronwyn enjoyed her night as a little princess, that's for sure!

  3. I was waiting for a wedding pic or two! Everyone looks lovely!
