Sunday, December 21, 2008

Our sweet tree

We had a lot of fun getting our tree and decorating it this year . So even though it all took place about a week ago, I thought I would share a few pictures anyway.

Bronwyn loved being outdoors in the snow in spite of the single digit (!) temperatures

Aunt Mills with her two two-year-old nephews, Jameson and Jackson

The traditional snapshot with "our tree" before it was cut down

Aubrey slept through the entire outing and only woke up when it was all over (I think she was rather confused as to what all the commotion was about!)

Our tree stood bare for two days before decorated it. After such a wait, the kids were all the more excited to finally get the lights on and hang their ornaments!

I unwrapped the ornaments and then we called the kids in. They were so psyched. Look at Jack's eyes!

Intent on the job at hand.

How can you not love chubby toddler hands???

After we finished, the kids were still so excited that I couldn't get them to stop long enough to change the camera settings, which is why this shot is so blurry. As you can see, Aubrey in particular was desperate to get down and continue checking out the tree!
(She has, by the way, been great with the tree and gifts underneath it. A couple simple No's have done the trick. I am soooo thankful!)

We've been doing a whole lot of this every day: staring at the tree. The kids love to talk about their favorite ornaments, especially with friends who stop in. It's really fun to watch them take ownership. These traditions are very quickly becoming their own!


  1.  Your pictures are always so lovely and inspiring and your children are so cute!

  2. Looks like fun for sure! Our tree has always stood undecorated, sometimes for up to a week. We get it, dad puts the lights on (and used to leave town on business), the kids string popcorn and cranberries and then we put the ornaments on. It's a process.

  3. Thats adorable. We're so excited to decorate the tree when Emarie is old enough to help out. Thank's for the pictures!

  4. @mom2mkei_2 - Good to know we're not the only ones... though we don't have quite the excuse since I reuse the same strings of popcorn year after year and we use red wooden bead garland instead of cranberries!

  5. Fun, Fun, Fun! It really is amazing what some lights and a tree can do for the 'atmosphere' of a home. Very cozy... how can you not stop and just want to stare!! We do!
