Thursday, July 24, 2008


So I've been battling the initial stages of mastitis yesterday and today. I'm not in the full-blown infection stages-- no fever or chills-- which is allowing me time to try home remedies before resorting to the antibiotic that's sitting in my kitchen, just in case.

Last time I had mastitis, the cause was transitioning from pumping bottles for Aubrey to actually nursing her and all the readjusting my body had to do with milk supply. This time, I think the cause was the combined lack of sleep, stress and exhaustion of the past several weeks. Just the other day, Daniel was commenting on how tired I am, how long it's been since I got a good night's sleep. Truth be told I don't really mind these infant stages of interrupted rest, but right about now it's definitely a bummer.

My "treatment" so far today has been lots of rest (thanks to Daniel during the day and now my dad tonight, who's hosting a sleepover for Gabriel, Bronwyn, and Jackson), hot compresses, cabbage leaves, hot showers, and tons of breastfeeding. These efforts have kept the infection at bay, but haven't seemed to reduce the symptoms either, which is what I'm really hoping for.

Any bits of wisdom or advice on other simple home remedies I can try?


  1. All your ideas are good.  I haven't dealt with mastitis.  My issues are more thrush/yeast related.

  2. If you would like a hand with the kiddies or around the house, I would be glad to stop by (with freshly-styled hair) on my way home from Canton around noon.

  3. You're doing everything that I had to do. Hot baths were nice, too. I remember when Lucas called the lactation consultant and she wanted me to use cabbage leaves, too. I was like, "What?!" Lol. I tried it, though! I think the combo of hot baths and nursing as often as possible helped the most but it's definitely a hard ordeal.Praying for a quick recovery!

  4. Ugh -not fun.  Do you think it is from a plugged duct that got infected?  That is what happens to me (and now I can mostly prevent the infection if I clear up a plug righ away).  When nursing, I press pretty hard and massage along my ribcage pressing towards the nipple during each suck.  There have been times I have had to squeeze pretty hard to get the plug to pass but as soon as it does, the pressure is released and I can feel the difference.  Oh, and I always use a hot compress before doing that to help soften the plug and breast.  If that is the stem of the problem, this might help.  Other than that, you are doing everything I do! 
    I have always found it strange that stress can cause plugged ducts and mastitis.  I battled one after another in the weeks before our move here and right after our arrival.  Finding a way to get some sleep will help a lot for sure.  (A long hot bath always helps me too!) 
    Praying for you tonight as I know how painful this is! 

  5. I forgot to mention- make sure to drink more water than you already are, to help flush out the infection and to up your milk supply.  :)

  6. Line a bowl with a washcloth, put some crushed garlic on the cloth, pour boiling water over it, let it sit about two minutes, wring the water out of the cloth, fold it, and place it over your breast as a compress.  I don't know if the stinkiness will be a problem for Aubrey, but garlic works wonders on infections.  You may also want to grab some plantain out of your yard, smash in into a pulp, and then apply it over your nipple.  Plantain is a natural and gentle astringent and will draw infection and poison out of your body.  And of course, drink TONS of water!
    Are you interested in attending the Above Rubies retreat in Ithica, NY on Sept. 5-7?  I'm considering it.

  7. @StraderMom - I've had blocked ducts before (actually, lots and I've always been paranoid about mastitis so I'm quick to massage them out) and both times I've had mastitis now, that's all I initially thought was the problem.  The difference both times has been that the blocked ducts are much bigger/concentrated and refuse to move or budge or be massaged out, as well as being about 10x more painful than just a regular blocked duct (which I know you know!).  Very frustrating.   I keep on massaging every time I nurse, each time I take a hot shower, as I apply hot compresses, etc. to no avail.The good news:  I kept Aubrey in bed with me all night so she would nurse lots, and I still got a good amount of sleep.  I feel much more rested this morning and the red streaks are gone.  Hopefully continuing with the hot compresses, massaging, and nursing will slowly but surely bring an end to this!

  8. NOT FUN!  I've always been able to stop at the plugged duct stage, but each time I'm super paranoid about it turning to mastitis.  Just last weekend I had a bad plugged duct and I was freaking out that I don't even have a doctor here to call! 
    Anyway, the only thing that I was going to say is to make sure that you are guzzling water.  Like, a lot of water.  Also, I feel that extra vitamin c helps.  It helps to reduce inflamation, so I feel that it helps with this too.
    I pray that it clears up and you can return to your fully functioning self soon! 
