Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I ask you, is there a better way to start a morning than with a cup of really good coffee, meticulously pressed (my husband goes so far as to make sure the water is almost exactly 200* so the coffee doesn't taste burnt) and lovingly left in a carafe for you (Daniel was out the door very early this morning), along with a warm homemade biscuit spread with raspberry jam and your much-loved Bible, in a house that is perfectly quiet except for the whispering breeze through the open windows?

Not really, I tell you.

This is wonderful.


  1. OK, now that is the perfect way to start the day!!  You are a blessed women!!   

  2. That is absolutely wonderful...and you deserve it

  3. I love mornings like this.  It is a nice breath of air before the daytime busyness kicks in!
    Thank you for the comment at my blog.  We are safely kept in His hands as we move on in His plans for us.  That is restful isn't it?
    That book looks interesting. Thank you for posting about it. I may look into reading that one myself! 

  4. That IS wonderful!  Rencently, my kids have been waking the minute the coffee maker starts.  Ugh!  that's at 5:45!  At least we have good nap times! 
