Thursday, July 24, 2008

Free Cloth Diapers

Check it out!


  1. I love cloth diapers and I love free!   Have you tried the bumgenious yet?  So far the Thirsties (both their AIO and covers) are my favorites... 

  2. @StraderMom - No I haven't.  Most of the forums I'm part of have a lot of ladies who love bum genius for their one-size element, though I have heard that they don't fit bigger babies very well and that if you're willing to buy multiple sizes, fuzzi bunz is the better equivalent (and I was happy to buy 2 sizes since I started with 2 different children in diapers and had to buy 30 diapers anyway!).  But I would love to try them anyway just to see!If I were to add any more diapers to my collection (which I'm not going to since I have plenty and I'm very happy with them!), I would get Baby Beehinds fitteds (they are one-size) with Thirsties covers.  People keep telling me I would want wool, but somehow wool covers really intimidate me!  Maybe I'm just a wimp in that department.

  3. I am with you on the wool...  I have tried several other covers (including fleece and those awful plastic ones) and found the Thirsties to be the best for Cole.  His chubby legs are secure and we have not had one leak with them.  (Though overnight is another story -I think he pees more overnight than during the day!)  I am going to check out those Baby Beehinds though.  I mostly use the prefolds with a cover and would like to try something other than the prefolds -though I have found the "twist" works great for Cole. 
    I have been meaning to ask you...  What do you use for a soaking "solution" for the soiled diapers before washing?  I have been soaking the messy ones in Oxyclean after rinsing and then add them to a tote I keep with just water and light detergent until they are washed (the just pee ones go straight into the water/detergent tote). 

  4. @StraderMom - The Baby Beehinds were recommended specifically as great with heavy wetters.  They're not cheap at all, but even if you just got a couple for nighttime, you might find you have less trouble with leaking.As for soaking, I don't!  I do the dry diaper pail method.  Because fuzzi bunz are fleece, most "solids" of Jackson's just get dumped/scraped into the toilet.  I also dunk the really sticky ones a bit if I deem it necessary.  Aubrey's don't get any treatment.  She's exclusively breastfed, so everything dissolves right in the washing machine.  I haven't had any trouble with "leftovers" in my machine with this method, which is what fuzzi bunz prescribes.For washing, I do a cold rinse cycle that removes any mess before washing in hot water and rinsing 2x in cold water.  It seems to work OK.  I have an HE washer and have had some trouble with the microfiber terry inserts that come with the fuzzi bunz, mostly with finding the *right* amount of detergent to use (too little means they come out smelling like sewage, too much means they smell like ammonia when wet on).

  5. *Having a duh moment here* 
    Cole is still soley breastfed too so of course it would just rinse away in the wash!  I have been rinsing them off and soaking them until ready to wash.  LOL 
    I do think soaking them in something until they are washed helps with the smell around here though.  I dont have a diaper pail -just the covered/sealed tote.  I have tried just putting them in the dry tote but each time it was opened to add another, the smell knocked you out!  Plain water helps too but a very light detergent made it even better (Dreft of course...)  I have heard that vinegar helps too but havent tried that yet. 
    The washing/rinsing is another thing I prefer about the prefolds vs the fleece and AIO's.  I do a cold rinse then hot wash and they are done.  I use 1/2 the normal amount of detergent (I agree that was a hard line to find!) and thats it.  The AIO's and the fleece cover (which I dont use anymore) do require at least one extra rinsing.

  6. I can't get the link to work and I'm a huge cloth diaper fan, too! Oh-and I soak the diapers in a pail of hot water and 1/2 cup of vinegar, before they go in the washer (after dumping out any solids, of course!)We mainly use BumGenius and Kushies brand cloth diapers. Kushies also makes some nice training pants. We tried the Thirsties on Wes but we found them to be too bulky and not as absorbent as we needed. (Of course, Wes nursed on the hour until he was almost 7 months old!) Where do you buy your fuzzi bunz?

  7. Hi there -I'm a mommy in the making (due January 1). I have been reading your blog for the past few months (I'm pretty quiet in the comment department sorrry :) I came over from your sister Danica's blog...don't remember how I stumbled on hers. My husband and I are considering using cloth diapers. How many do you recommend starting with??? Oh and thanks for sharing the contest is good :) MaryBeth L

  8. @merrybee - I'm certainly not a cloth diapering expert, so please take any advice with a grain of salt. That said, I have 18 diapers for Aubrey. When I first got them, she was still soiling her diaper like a newborn-- 8+ messy diapers a day. So you can imagine that 18 diapers required me doing laundry every day or day and half. Honestly, I prefer doing diapers everyday and making sure they're not getting stinky! But if you wanted to be able to go 2 days without washing, I would recommend getting 24 diapers.Also, you may want to get a couple different kinds of diapers initially. One thing I kind of wish I'd done was buy half a dozen different kinds of diapers at first and used them in combination with disposables until I figured out what I liked best.  I love my fuzzi bunz, but I also kind of wish I had some fitted diapers (I would probably get Baby Beehinds) with covers (Thirsties PUL covers are the best from what I hear) to try.Anyway, let me know if you have more questions. I certainly don't mind giving my honest feedback on cloth diapering and fuzzi bunz!Thanks for reading!
