Saturday, July 19, 2008

Drummer Boy

He's so cute. And getting better and better!


  1. ohmygoodness.  He is really good!  Loved the head bop

  2. I always insisted he was a genius! :)

  3. BRAVO!  He certainly gets a standing ovation from me!  Good job little man!

  4. Oh my word!!! What a gift. Amazing!!!

  5. My dad is a professional drummer... I'm going to send him this link.  Unbelievable!!!

  6. IR plays the drums. I remember him once talking about "the little kid in New York who is way better than me". He's right. It is obviously a gift for Gabriel, IR just likes to pound.

  7. That's awesome!  while I was watching Isaac ran up and said "That's a kid?  He's good!!" 

  8. I am amazed! That was so cool Bri, who is teaching him anyway?!

  9. Thank you for posting this- you know Tim has wanted to hear him play...

  10. @melisagarber - My brother Jamie has shown him a few things, but most everything he knows comes from simply watching other drummers.  One of his favorite things to do is go early to church with Daniel for the worship team's sound check; he sits right on the stage in a chair facing the drummer so he can watch every move.Gabriel's been paying close attention to drumming since he was about 17 months old-- and I'm really not exaggerating.  He's been using good technique and playing actual drum beats since long before he was even potty trained!I'm thinking he's ready for lessons soon, though. He's now understanding the need to practice faithfully, which I felt like I wanted to wait for before starting "real" teaching.

  11. I must say that there are days when I sit outside on my porch and I just listen to him as he
    is practicing, I wondered at first who it was, I knew it wasn't Daniel, then I figured out it must be Gabriel.  I have been listening to him practice for a while and it has be entertaining me and I have enjoyed it.  Gabriel, thumbs up to you buddy!  Great job~~~

  12. He is getting better and better.  We miss him.  I will be sure to show this video to the other kids when they wake from their naps.  I'm sure that they will have a dance party to "Uncle Danno and Graybell". 
    Miss you!

  13. Wow, Brietta, two of my friends and I just watched...HE IS GETTING SO GOOD!!  Amazing.  
    Miss you and love you guys.  

  14. Oh my Brietta, he is amazing!!  I can't believe he's learned that by ear, that is true musical talent!! 

  15. I am so impressed!  He really has a special gift and you are doing a great job of encouraging him to develop that gift.  He is also incredibley cute.  I look forward to being in a worship service where Daniel is leading and Gabriel is playing drums.  I'm sure there will be many.

  16. Awwwwww......that's really great.  You can tell he is very patient and gifted to pay attention to the beat that way.  You spent your money right when you bought him those drums!  I'm very impressed.

  17. you can gabriel that i watched the video and absolutely loved it. =)

  18. That was great!!!  We can't wait to see him play in person.  What an amazing gift.  How exciting too!  Great job allowing and encouraging him to develop it.  Come back to visit soon!
