Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Self-Pity and Frozen Cookies

I woke up this morning and felt very, very tired. I could tell it was going to be one of those days. You know, the kind where you have to ward off self-pity at every turn. Still, I felt ready to do battle because I've been there, done that and it's just. not. worth. it.

But then, as I was herding the kids upstairs for their afternoon nap and feeling spent and sick (have I mentioned that fleeting bouts of morning sickness have returned this trimester?), something happened. I was carrying a 25lb 18-month-old in addition to this 4-4.5lb baby who is becoming more and more an all-in-front appendage and halfway up our very steep stairs, my lower back spasmed and I almost collapsed.

It hurt.

Real bad.

I managed to get Bronwyn & Jackson sleeping and Gabriel playing quietly, and then it was time-- time to feel sorry for myself. I'm afraid there was no stopping the torrent. I was feeling badly because my body is showing the wear and tear of 4 (wonderful, I might now interject) children and I'm not even 25 years old. I was feeling badly because motherhood is strenuous and yet not very esteemed in our culture. I was feeling badly because I was in pain and there was nobody around to tell me how awful it was.


I know, I know. Pathetic.

And this is where the frozen treats come in.

When I got married, I got the revelation that dessert recipes are not written with 2 people in mind. Where before I'd had to at least double every recipe just so that everyone got a serving, now a single batch was far more than Daniel and I could eat in good conscience. And so I was introduced for the very first time to the concept of freezing cookies, breads, and the like. (Believe me, when you grow up in a large family, the likelihood of having cookies that need to be frozen is about as good as the likelihood of having leftovers when Mom's made london broil and salt potatoes for dinner. I never knew people froze anything besides the venison from the deer their dad killed in the fall.)

At any rate, this introduction of freezing sweets also led to the introduction of husbands who snitch cookies from the freezer whenever they think their wives aren't looking. *ahem*

Well, today, it wasn't Daniel snitching cookies from the freezer. It was me.

You see, as I was laying on the couch feeling badly for myself, it wasn't just because I was in a lot of pain but also because I hadn't had a chance to eat lunch-- and my stomach was letting me know that it was now close to 2pm. In a flash, I could picture the tupperware containers of cookies stashed in the freezer for next week's time in Pittsburgh with family. So I peeled myself up, hobbled to the kitchen, opened the freezer, and pulled out five (count 'em!) chocolate cookies when I should have cut up my daily apple and made myself a slice of whole grain toast.

They were so good (I think I like them frozen better than fresh or thawed, believe it or not) and I savored every bite as I sent them down the hatch.

But afterwards I felt like a naughty child and my soul wasn't one bit soothed. After all, the challenge of sacrifice, of putting one foot in front of the other, of serving joyfully and willingly is never met with unjustified tears and forbidden chocolate chip cookies.

And I remembed, Oh yeah... It's just. not. worth. it.

P.S. I'm not interested in pity , but if you have a suggestion for relieving lower back pain, please do share! I've been doing coldpacks and I'm forced to lay down a lot (on my side, of course) because I can hardly walk right now. But otherwise I haven't a clue of what to do.


  1. If you can afford $30-$50 a chiropractor can be a Godsend for third trimester woes.  I cringed when Sonny asked how much one adjustment cost for me, and I said, "$40 for 5 minutes of his time... but hey, I can WALK!!!"  I had the most comfortable third trimester ever, and the best of it was the last two weeks when I went to the chiropractor. 
    (It also helps to know that studies show chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy usually produce faster labors.  Add me to that group when my labor was nearly halved this time around.  Have you been drinking your pregnancy tea by the gallons? Red raspberry, alfalfa, nettle, and peppermint (for taste).  I drink 2Q a day while preggers.  It's best as an iced tea)  Mama's Red Raspberry Brew can be found at

  2. I don't have any suggestions for back pain...sorry. I do understand the third trimester bouts of morning sickness, carrying a baby entirely out front, and eating cookies for comfort, though :). I hope today is better for you.

  3. I answered your question on my site just in case other moms were wondering the same thing about their children:)

  4. Hope your back feels better for your loooong car ride!  Yay! (for getting to see you all, not the long car ride!)

  5. Those stick on heat pads are great!!!!!  You can get them at the drug store.  I can't remember the name though.  Perfect for moms who can really lay down with a heating pad! :)

  6. I'm sad that I'm not going to see you guys too! :( I hope you have great time here. Hopefully the time between this trip and the next one won't be too long!

  7. My only back pain remedy is rest, and water, then if that doesn't help calling Dr. Forrand.  She's good, but it is about $40 to get an adjustment.  (and a bit of a drive)  Early in this pregnancy, I was feeling pretty miserable because of back pain.  After she adjusted my back, life went back to normal and I've felt good since.  (but I did have to listen to a bit of a lecture on how my body needs 3 years to recover after a pregnancy so I need a good long break after this baby etc...)

  8. Hi Brietta. I stop by a lot to read up on your baby stats and to see what other deep things you have to say. :) But I don't usually take the time to comment. This time around I decided to second two of your thoughts - first, that I have definitely many times eaten stacks of cookies that size and bigger. (gross to think about, but oh so seemingly satisfactory at the time!) Second, I LOVED chiropractic care during my pregnancy. Yes, it is worth it. And now my little Peter gets an adjustment every now and then as well. :)
