Friday, August 24, 2007

35 Weeks!

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I took these pictures on back-to-back days: Thursday and Friday. In the second picture, my more fitted clothing shows exactly how big my tummy's gotten. I suppose I am including it in an attempt to entirely annihilate all personal vanity and/or illusions; I can't pretend for a minute now that multiple pregnancies haven't caught up with me.

Yesterday I looked up at one point to see Daniel laughing at me.

What? I asked.

I just can't believe how huge your stomach is compared to the rest of you!

He definitely found his observation much more hilarious than I did.

Yes, yes, our little baby looks as though she's growing an awful lot, but I still can't complain as she has yet to feel heavy to me. I do confess to finding tasks like cleaning the bathtub and re-making Jackson's crib a bit challenging these days, though, and because of the way I'm carrying her (Daniel says I look like I have a torpedo attached to the front of me; Joel thought I had a moon under my shirt; Gabriel thinks I might have a whale or 16 babies inside of me), keeping maternity pants up at a comfortable and modest height is much easier said than done.

The end of September/beginning of October still feels far enough away that I'm not quite reaching the panic-over-labor, how-can-I-escape-the-inevitable mode. I am trying to do lots to make sure my body is as prepared as possible for labor, while daily reminding myself that my true hope is not in my body's readiness and/or stamina but in my Creator. The bringing forth of life is so much more than just a physical event.

My scale tells me I've gained 25lbs so far this pregnancy. Is there any other time in life when it seems perfectly reasonable and good to have gained that much weight in half a year?!

I am so relieved on so many fronts that this pregnancy has really gone very normally since 24 weeks. Right now, I'm especially glad that it looks as though nothing will bring this baby into the world early-- not even the blood clot that has taken up permanent residency alongside her-- since the Septemember calendar is packed. Daniel and I just don't have time to think about a baby arriving until October 1st.

Besides-- call me strange if you want-- I really do love having her right where she is.


  1. Looking great to me! And all the exercise you're doing is fabulous. You'll be ready and things will go really well. And meanwhile, we'll hope you are busy enough to not think too much about it, but not so busy that you get exhausted.;) But mostly we will keep praying. Love you!

  2. I think I am probably as shocked as you are that nearly two years have passed since Michelle began making those predictions. (Occasionally, I look around and think "Good Grief! I'm married with 3 children! When did that happen?!")

    I had a similar moment when looking at your baby ticker the other day. ("Only 35 days to go"!?) I'm Praying that you experience victory over any paralyzing labor fears. (My personal opinion is that you've put in your time and earned an "easy" labor... but that thought is hardly brimming with any spiritual truth.) Mariah's delivery was the most painful for me and I'm hoping we both experience a considerable improvement with our fourths. (I'm speaking only in theory here, as I do not have any special announcements to make.) I only wish, that right around that 9 month mark, I could pass along my usual eagerness to "get it out!" along to you. ;)

  3. You know, Brietta, no matter how torpedo-ish (LOL) your tummy looks, you're still quite slim, trim, tiny, and svelt.  For crying out loud (the day will come soon enough for all that crying), you have a human being under your skin!  Give yourself a break!  Haaha!
    So, how do you handle blood and guts?  I always love seeing the placenta before they throw it away.  It's an amazing organ.  I'm just wondering how much of that blood clot you could actually see after the placenta comes out!  So cool!

  4. I think that you look great. I'm thinking that my own little guy should learn a lesson and get a little more out front and a little less under my ribs (this morning I woke up to the most uncomfortable sensation as I was being poked on the back side of one of my ribs- very strange if you ask me!)  So, what are you doing to get in shape for labor.  It just occured to me a few days ago that the wonderful event (haha) is getting closer every day!  Now to just have a normal labor with a baby placed on top of my belly at the end of it.  I would rather not ask a nurse 3 times (as I slowly come out of anesthesia) if the baby is born and what was his apgar!

  5. You look beautiful and radiant. Are you all ready for this sweet baby? I'm always willing to help!

  6. That is awesome. I was looking back at your 24 week pic and I was like, "Awww, the baby is viable, she has come a long way!" That is awesome. SO I am sorry that I have not commented but I don't get the regular e-mails telling me of people who post anymore. I don't know why or what happened, but now I get no e-mails to remind me. I was looking way back to see when the first picture you posted was, because I am going to do the same. I didn't want to feel dumb for doing it too early, because its like nothing yet. But its in there. I think its worth capturing. So I use you as my go to girl for everything baby related. Baby ticker wording, baby/pregnancy picture posting. You get it. I figure you know what's up. Basically I want an excuse so that I know its ok to start posting belly pix at 13 weeks. So how are you? You look GREAT! Your husband is right, you are all belly and for that I envy you, but I may be as lucky this time around. I don't have my sister-in-laws baked goods to get me fat this pregnancy, for that I am kinda happy. So a typical ultra sound is 13-15 weeks? Because my sisters keep telling me its 20 weeks. So I dunno when mine will be.

    GTG: AnDi

  7. I bet you'll be less tired and weak after delivery this time since you've gained more weight, you really did need it!   
    Now I'm the one whose body took the toll....but I never did really try to lose fault.  You've always looked great, you're beautiful!

  8. 35 weeks!  What a blessing.  Not long ago I was praying that the baby would stay in utero to 25, then 30 and now 35 weeks.  Just a little over a month left!  I think Joel's "moon" comment is one of the funniest I've heard in a while.  You look healthy, vibrant and beautiful.
