Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Logical? Never!

Nesting seems too nice a word for the way I get the last several weeks of pregnancy. Somehow, when I picture a woman who is nearing delivery and is suddenly and inexplicably ambitious, I always see her scrubbing a lemony-smelling, shining-in-the-afternoon-sun wooden floor while muffins bake in the nearby oven. This is not the picture of me these days.

On Monday, I had the official pre-nesting meltdown. You know, the one where the woman realizes she has forgotten that there is actually a baby at the end of the pregnancy and now the dawning of how much she needs wants to get done while she can [kind of] set her own daily schedule is fully setting in. And if that woman looks anything like me during such a time, her behavior involves some crying and crawling under the covers in defeat, followed by large amounts of frustration unleashed on her unsuspecting husband. Finally, the feelings of being overwhelmed and too far in over her head get resolved because her unendingly gracious husband simply says, "Why don't you make a list of everything you'd like to get done in the next several weeks and we'll get it done together?"

Yes, the tears have been dried, the list has been made, priorities are fully agreed upon, and I'm now armed with a plan each morning. It feels good.

But I still don't look like the woman I picture in my mind's eye.

No, I must confess that the woman I've become is one who pads around the house, feet bare and hair undone and garbage bags in hand, rather unmercifully throwing things away. To date, all toys have been sorted through and re-organized and the kids' clothing has begun receiving like treatment. (Trust me, you don't want to be around here if you don't serve a good purpose or at the very least look pretty because you'll probably end up in a dumpster.) I have learned enough that I now wait to show Daniel what I'm throwing away before I actually do the deed, giving him his fair chance at changing my mind. I've even learned enough to agree with him occasionally about what's worth saving... once I've determined that the particular item being discussed won't take up too much space and will be simple to keep track of, that is.

I'm afraid that my version of nesting does not involve washing articles of tiny, baby-sized clothing in special detergent and then giggling as I fold them. The impending arrival of a new life has yet to inspire me to re-arrange furniture or paint the children's bedroom. In fact, I'll be doing very, very well (better than last time, honestly) if I manage to get the infant car seat our of the attic and washed before we're off to the hospital for delivery. But you can bet your bottom dollar that the spice cupboard will be in tip-top shape. And knowing a baby's coming does seem to launch in me a desperate need to get the upstairs walk-in closet emptied cleaned out.

Admittedly, I'm not quite sure of the connection.

But since when are pregnant women logical anyway?


  1. The connection is the fact that you know if you do not take care of the closet, or the spice rack, now they will only sit in disarray for months after the arrival of this new little baby. If you can not tolerate them now, how on earth will you be able to tolerate them over these next months?
    For what it's worth, it sounds perfectly logical to me.

  2. I had to just laugh reading this. You sound like me these days. The washing of Annabelles clothes, putting the car seat in the car, and yes, even the giggling while folding those little itty bit cute stuff is over and now the panic has set in. You'll find me in my pjs until late afternoon cleaning the silliest things and crying all over R.Jay realizing the projects that are just too big for me to tackle right now (i.e. - remodeling this house!!!).
    I think you're actually thinking pretty logically. Daniel can wash those clothes and stick that car seat in... but only you know how that spice rack should be set. :) You're not alone!!! :)

  3. About as nesting as I think I ever got was the day before I went to the hospital with Matthew I went grocery shopping, and packaged all the meat and froze it right away...when normally it would sit in the fridge a day first...I remember getting contractions after that and sitting with my feet up...but it was still a day and a half till I had him.  I know you will hate me, but labor with him(at the hosp.) was only 7 hours....I'll pray for a short labor for you this time around!
    Poor Joy....nesting with her was watching someone else clean her room.....I didn't feel like doing much of anything...It was a great blessing that Terri and Laurel did that for me though.  Well, we did buy her a dresser....I don't think that was at the end of the pregnancy though.  I plan on using the toddler bed for her till she's 5, like I did with the boys, then we'll look for a bedroom set hopefully...  

  4.'ll appreciate this, the toddler bed was $10 at Goodwill.....I bought it the first month after she was born....couldn't resist that! 

  5. I absolutely love this post!  Har har har!  I've learned not to show Sonny the stuff I get rid of before it goes in the trash bag.  But, I do tell him after the fact and invite him to go digging in the trash if he feels so inclined.  When it comes to his particular stuff I don't dare throw anything away.  I usually bag/box it up, 5yr old McDonald's receipts and all, and place it by the door for him to haul to his shed and "store" there.  LOL!
