Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blessed Baby

One might think that by child #4, a baby might be getting overlooked and only hand-me-downs. This is simply not true. Without a baby shower or even baby's arrival, a little corner of my bedroom has already accumulated several things!

The first gift for Baby was given to me last February. It was an item I'd had my eye on for much of Jackson's infancy but also something I couldn't seem to justify buying until discovering I was pregnant again-- at which point I rather quickly announced that I would be getting it, regardless of cost.

However, in keeping with a previous history of being endlessly thoughtful and generous, they beat me to the punch on the purchasing of it and it was soon delivered to me in purple tissue and black satin-y ribbon. While there have been many Sunday mornings and even more outings in the months since then when I have glanced longingly in its direction, I have yet stubbornly insisted on not breaking it in until after the baby arrives because, well, every baby needs a few new things... right?!

It will be going to the hospital with us, for sure.

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Present #2 also came from them, only this time it had to be mailed all the way across the country in order to reach us. It is so darling I only wish it didn't have to wait until next year for use!

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Present #3 arrived a couple days ago in the mail and is the most surpising gift, as it came from someone I don't really even know in "real life." Our lack of face-to-face interaction hasn't stopped this woman from praying for and looking forward to my baby's arrival, though-- or from sending a soft and pretty and perfect-for-winter outfit to tuck away and pull out in the coming months.

I absolutely love it.

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Add to the gifts the ceaseless prayers that so many have prayed and all I can say is that for an infant who hasn't even arrived yet, little missy is already one very, very blessed baby!


  1. today was a sad day.  today was when i finally found something i liked for this wonderful little baby girl only to realize that this very in-debt-living-in-foreign-country-college-student just doesn't have the funds required for that perfect unique European gift.  i was so very sad.

  2. WOW, That mini changer WILL be quite handy.......that little dress is darling...... I'm so glad your little girl will have some fun, new things. :)

  3. AMAZING, Your due-date is a month away! Hope your last month, with her this close to you, goes well.

  4. The new things are absolutely adorable. The mini-changer is a lot like ours and, because i'm completely impatient, its been opened and I really like the way I think it will work.
    I can't believe you're nearing the end of this pregnancy. Praise God. Then again, I can hardly believe I'm AT the end of this pregnancy. It'll be fun to have little girls the same age, that's for sure.
    I have another doctor's appointment next week on Tuesday and the way things are looking I'm sure I'll be there. Are you free that day? We could meet or I could come to you? Thanks for thinking of Annabelle and getting her something, you didn't have to, but we really appreciate it.
    Hope you're staying cool!

  5. I'm so excited that you got the skip hop pronto!  Those little things sure do look handy!  Danica was the perfect advertisement for it too as she walked calmly from the sanctuary with such a small thing rather than the big ol' diaper bag slung over her shoulder! 
    I applaude your labor prep.  Good job!  I was just at the chiropractor yesterday for a bit of a lower back adjustment and she was reminding me of the need for water.  Somehow in thinking about what I could do to help this little one and prepare for birth I overlooked water.  When she commented that I was feeling a bit dehydrated to her (btw, how does a person feel dehydrated to someone else- I have no idea!) it hit me that I had been slacking in the water.  Anyway, all that to say that I pray that this little girl's birth is quick for you and as easy as birth can be! 
    How is the rest of your week looking?  Are you and the kids at home and looking for a diversion any time in the next few days, or are you busy with college ministry stuff?  If you are looking for some activity, we would love to pop over!   

  6. Very nice. So do you use all your own stuff right when the baby comes out then? Like the changing pad and clothes and stuff? I am in awe of people who can take control in a hospital setting.

