Thursday, August 30, 2007


Today's high was 71*, which was dramatically lower than yesterday's 89-felt-like-94*. I think the Lord sent the cool front our way just for me. Not so much so that I would sleep better (which I did, by the way), but so that I could get some of the projects looming before me done.

In addition to regular chores, today's work involved re-arranging furniture (I only wedged myself into a corner that was tricky to get out of once) and sorting through the kids' clothing. I am not a fan of transitional weather because it means that I need both summer- and winter-appropriate wear available-- and there simply isn't room in the 2-3 drawers each child gets to keep his/her clothing in for all that-- but I tried my hardest to not get overly radical about putting all the shorts and Ts in storage since I am aware of the fact that more 80* days are on the horizon. At least Gabriel, Bronwyn, and Jackson's clothes are all sorted, neatly folded and re-organized (the clothing transition last spring happened when I was on bedrest so things weren't ever very well put-away), and now the boys are both moved into a hand-me-down dresser while each girl gets one of the smaller dressers given to us several years ago. All that's left to prepare the children's bedroom for a new baby is a little more furniture re-arranging (I'm not thrilled with today's final results) and getting baby clothes out of storage, then washed, and finally put in the dresser that now sits empty and waiting.

I also re-arranged Daniel's desk a little. I'm not sure it's actually in a better spot; and while a big part of me would still like to make some significant changes to the bedroom (which doubles as Daniel's office), I simply can't make such things a huge priority right now. Our room is more functional and nice-looking than it has been in the history of our marriage, so I really should be content. Dreams of re-painting and buying a new piece or two of furniture (like a bed frame) will be shelved for now and, fortunately for me, the simple re-positioning of a desk-- even if not perfect-- can help immensely with pacifying desires for sprucing.

My lengthy search for a new dining room table also continued today, though without tremendous results or leads. I still have some possibilities to look into, but the mood I'm currently in declares such hunting a waste of time and wants desperately to just go ahead and buy this table since it is exactly what I want. Frugality typically wins out over ease for me, but I am so frustrated with how long finding the "perfect deal" can take that I have actually almost fully convinced myself that a large dining table might be one of the best investments we can make for family and discipleship and that it's worth the money.

The morning and afternoon projects aside, we headed off to the concert that Gabriel and Bronwyn had been anxiously awaiting. My kids are quite the fans of Keith Urb@n's music, so the minute they found out earlier this week that Daddy would be playing some of his material, they started counting down the days. I don't think they were a bit disappointed, either, since it was a rather fun evening!

We are home again and while Daniel put the kids to bed, I washed dishes (please don't anyone tell Mom that I left the house with them sitting in the counter) and cleaned the kitchen a bit. Our day has left me tired and very much hoping that tonight won't be another unsuccessful battle for the sleep which has been too elusive in the last couple weeks, but overall I am mostly feeling pleased with my day's activities and anticipate taking more ground around the house tomorrow.


  1. i love that your kids like keith urban so much.  it's totally fun.

  2. Good for you, keeping so busy! These last few weeks will be over before you know it.

  3. I know the feeling...trying to tie up all those loose ends around the house before another little one comes. However, in my case I hav been rushing to get it all done before the new semester.

  4. Don't tell Mom...?
    Who's kidding who? You know pretty well that mine wouldn't have gotten done when I got home. They would have waited until morning right about then. So Kudos! to you. :)

  5. I love the cooler weather, Hayla loves to have hot cocoa and I wont let her when it gets too hot! So when it is cool I let her have it, and she is more than happy to drink it.


  6. I don't know if I agree with me!  It's just something I'm debating.  And Patrick brought up the point that there's a difference between a seasoned christian who can use discernment hearing a message that might be a bit off versus a first-time visitor.  I definitely agree to that the trusted leadership should have the majority of the Sunday morning time in order to place foundation and share vision.  I've just often heard that we must be so careful who speaks and I'm wondering how much damage someone could really do ... maybe a lot ... I don't know ... maybe those concerns are based on our leader's past experience.  I'm just wondering if it's worth the risk for people to feel like they have a part to play. 

  7. By the way, I saw your kids at Wal-mart last week ... they are adorable!

  8. haha... Tuesday sounds fine with me, as of yet! My appt. ends at noon, will that be enough time? Our home phone number is 543-1093, so you don't have to bug the very nice people anymore. :)

  9. I can get this table with all the chairs (8) for about $800.  I think it would fit in my dining room nice and we can all sit around it AND have 3 guests.  I thought that wasn't a bad price when it included heavy duty wood chairs too. We saw it locally with a lazy susan on top that comes with it, and it comes in light brown too.  But I don't think it will be for a while, we just spent over $1000 on the van for inspection and will need tires for the Toyota too....I haven't let myself wish for stuff for the house for a long time, but all the dining room chairs are broken in different ways... 
    The height was odd....but I kind of like it because Matthew would have room for those long legs without shooting them across the floor to my side.  And Joy couldn't get down easily... I know, it sounds wierd but I had thought about stools for the boys long ago but they outgrew whatever problem that was that I wanted to get them for...I think it was tilting back in their chairs. 
