Thursday, August 30, 2007

Found Faithful

I wipe down the bathroom again.

I sort the next load of laundry.

I spread peanut butter and jelly-- all the way to the edges.

I brush blonde curls.

I read another story book aloud.

I plod on.

And I pray,

Lord, help me remember that there is great joy in being found faithful. I confess that the fleeting pleasures of this world are enticing; but even as the temptation to chase after something other than what You have ordained for me is near, I remember and choose to embrace Truth: it is only You that satisfies.
May I be found faithful to You today, Lord, as I choose faithfulness to my home and family.


  1. Beautiful prayer. Wonderful is your faithfulness in the eyes of more than Him alone - I appreciate it, your husband is grateful, and your children grow to love you. Beautiful.

  2. a humble mom.
    a loving dad.

    those kids are blessed.

  3. If you could have one day (or a week, whatever) to do anything you wished, what would you do? I agree that wholehearted faithfulness to the home front is a necessity, but sometimes, it doesn't hurt to dream. It's kind of like reading; your thoughts can take you a million miles away while you are plodding on through the everyday grind.

  4. I ditto the Amen....
    So happy to know their are moms out there seeking His truth as they grow as wives and mothers
