Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Every so often, I am asked what an average weekly menu plan looks like here at my house. (Incidentally, the people who ask usually aren't people who frequent our table often and so I can't help but wonder if they are only asking because they think they would like what we eat.) I don't typically know off the top of my head-- that's why I write out my menus-- and so the people who ask don't really get an answer.

Until tonight.

Here is the menu I made on Monday morning before my afternoon shopping trip, and it is a pretty typical week-in-the-summer (no soups or oven-intensive foods) dinner menu:

hamburgers on wheat buns

baked tilapia
brown rice pilaf

cheddar & tomato egg casserole
fresh pineapple

Carina's birthday dinner @ Mom & Dad's
(bring muffins)

cheese & bell pepper quesadillas
baked tortilla chips

(Daniel out all day with leadership training)

whole wheat pasta w/ sauteed veggies

As you can see, I don't make complicated or large meals. This is for a couple reasons, the top 2 being:

1. I don't have time and my children's attention spans can't handle complicated meal prep.
2. Around here, more usually means unnecessary calories and bad-for-you foods. I generally don't do starches with dinners unless it's part of the main dish (i.e. hamburger buns or pasta). My husband doesn't do manual labor and so I can get away with just passing him the salad bowl again.

I don't write out breakfast and lunch menus because we eat the same thing almost everyday. (And I wonder why Gabriel likes routine so much!?) It isn't that I don't enjoy cooking and being creative, because preparing food is actually my favorite household job and I could spend far too much time pouring over cookbooks in planning every single meal. The problem is that I am not a blessing to my family when I get too focused on meals and cooking/baking. I've learned that not only do my kids prefer eating the same simple foods over and over again in order to have my attention a bit more, my husband does, too.*

For breakfast, I serve either Cheerios with bananas & milk or good old fashioned oatmeal (made with milk and sweetened with wonderful NY maple syrup) with raisins. Occasionally, I make pancakes if Daniel's day-off happens to coincide with a simple morning schedule.

For lunch, we eat PB&J almost daily. Sometimes I get desperate to use the ridiculous amounts of eggs in our refrigerator and so I make egg salad sandwiches instead. When Daniel's home, I make 4 identical sandwiches and serve them with some sort of fresh fruit.

And that's really just about it.

*Edit: I am by no means trying to insinuate that women who spend a lot of time on meal preparation aren't being a blessing to their families. In fact, I look forward to the day when I have older children who can take the younger ones outside to play, thereby affording me the chance to devote a bit more time to recipes I am aching to try my hand at. And, believe me, I do love an occasional opportunity and cause to bake a 5-step cheesecake. All I was saying is that for now and for us, I generally have to put gourmet creations on hold because it's just where we're at.


  1. I understand with the simple menu system. I am always searching for recipes that are tasty but not too time consuming. I thought about taking your idea with the your cookies...bake a large batch and then freeze them. Quick and simple.

  2. Hi Brietta!  Hope you're feeling great!  Mmm, Tilapia!  I wasn't sure my family would like it but Quetta gave me a casserole-type recipe to try with rice and a few other ingredients (a teensy bit spicy), and it turned out great.  I don't think I can get away serving it every week, but it was a good for a change.  Have a great day!

  3. I had some type of fish every week when I was pregnant...either tilapia or salmon...from Alidi's...I think it was cheaper then though...I cooked it in a little olive oil(now you could use coconut oil!)and put paprika on it.  I just did it in the frying pan.  I used to try to bake the salmon, but I always set off the smoke alarm because olive oil smokes!  I used to like to cook a special meal on Saturdays, but it's been a long time since I've really tried anything special.  Probably because the boys don't like anything.  We watched "Honey, We're Killing the Kids" a couple times....Now I don't let them have the junk food like on that show, but other than that, they don't eat much in the way of fruit and vegetables.  Alan likes fruit and carrots so I need to at least encourage that.  I'm encouraged at least that Joy likes almost everything.  She even likes lettuce....which Alan used to eat a tiny bit...Matthew's big problem is that he would live on pasta and grains alone.  And did a lot when he was little.  When he was 2 he was so stubborn he pretty much quit eating except for macaroni and cheese.  (and he ate pretty well before that) And I didn't make special stuff for him, he just didn't eat...his hair fell out(got really thin) and got grouchy till I got him vitamins which helped a lot.  The doctors always say they don't need them...baloney.  I even asked the dr when this was going on and he didn't seem to think there was a problem...but moms know what they see...  
    Anyway, it's time for us to revive our menus....Doug's ready to lose weight...I made a really good white pizza the other night because our neighbors gave us some fresh tomatoes.  The crust itself had garlic and herbs in it, I found it at a new store.  I usually make my own, but thought I'd see how this tasted, they sold the dough uncooked so it was real easy for me...
    Can you email me your phone number?  to ?   

  4. Brietta- not sure if you remember me.  My maiden name is Patnode.  I am good friends with Catherine Mihm so you would most likely connect me with her.  Anyway, I got your xanga site from Lisa and have been truly enjoying it. I am a "newcomer" to xanga so I can't offer you much on my site...yet!  I loved the menu blog!  I was so relieved when I read it.  I always feel like I am expected to put on such a big production every night, knowing full well that it is not truly required.  I too love to cook and be in the kitchen but at some point logic has to kick in!  Thanks for the wake up call!
