Sunday, August 20, 2006

We're home.

And, other than feeling as though I could use a vacation in order to recover from vacation , I'm feeling satisfied. When we arrived back home at 11:15pm yesterday, the house smelled musty and stale, the refrigerator boasted few contents which made for a more scrambled than usual preparation for this morning's church service, the toilet was full of funky stains from sitting rust-filled water, etc.; and, yup, I was thrilled to be back. I love my house!

It took only minutes after arriving before I was peeking in the spare bedroom to confirm that, yes indeed, it is completely rid of all her belongings. I hadn't realized how familiar the funky pink lamp, the basket full of vitamins and supplements and the jewelry "doll" had become. She's off to discover Him in this next season of life, and we will continue to search for Him here.

I'm tired today. I only bought enough groceries while I was in Canton getting Chinese food for lunch to get us through the next couple days. Everything remains in suitcases except for toothbrushes and the like. I can't even convince myself that I would feel better if I vacuumed because, frankly, I'm too tired to even care!

It's in the tired moments that I'm particularly thankful for His promise that when we search for Him we'll find Him. He isn't a far-off God who is difficult to know and love. Rather, He's waiting for me this week: waiting to uncover His plans and purposes for my life.

Here at home.


  1. It was nice seeing you In canton today

  2. I'm in a new little house now, as of yesterday.  It's not quite "home" yet, as your cozy little home became for me.  And not having three little kiddos running around is going to take a little adjusting to.  You guys are missed by me!
    So great to hear you had a great week and arrived home safely...
