Friday, August 4, 2006

I love that no two babies are the same. Oh, there are similarities. Like mine: they all have the same hairline and the same toes; whether or not they all have the same mouth has been debated, but I kind of think they do. But in spite of the similarities, the bigger truth is that they're different.

They're different than your babies, too.

They don't look exactly the same, it's true. And--what's more--they don't act the same. Not as infants, not as toddlers. Even if they're siblings, and almost definitely if they're not.

They grow at different paces (and don't we mothers and doctors fuss about this?!). Sizing clothing by "months" is most convenient, I suppose, but more inaccurate than not.

They develop differently. Like mine: Gabriel crawled at 6 months. Bronwyn didn't crawl until she was 8 months. Jackson... well, if the pattern tells true, he'll crawl when he's 10 months, but any time is just fine with me--though I sure wouldn't mind putting the mobility on hold so that he clings to me for just a little bit longer.

And they turn into people who are different from one another. I like this.

I'm glad my God is a God of creativity and variety. His art reaches far beyond the amazing sunset I saw last night as our family made our way home. His imagination is much bigger than the multitudes of animals that inhabit our earth and play in my backyard. He doesn't just stick to painting "scenery," though I sure do love the fields of corn with trees and far mountains in the backdrop. He's so much more than unafraid to shape people: He loves it.

He thought up my three wonders, with all their differences of appearance, personality, preferences, and needs. And it's in the differences that we see the one common thread throughout all of humanity: we were created.

I love that.


  1. Even though all of your kids are different, they are all the cutest. Each one different, yet all same possible cuteness. I'm sure many people probably agree with me.


  2. I really enjoyed this true!

  3. Thanks for the comment. Yeah we are checking out ( <-----this church tomorrow. We will see how they are and maybe it will be lasting, maybe not though. They have a school, kinda like CFC. I believe though that their school is more than just Friday though.


  4. I agree with the above comment regarding "cuteness". I always enjoy reading your posts...especially since I know that as a busy wife and mom- you have a choice. A choice to focus on the struggles OR the blessings. A choice to wish for a lesser task OR strength for the task. A choice to be overwhelmed OR merry. I love what you choose. Thanks!

  5. I still eat sugar, but have cut way back.  I'd say I eat about 40% the amount that I was addicted to.  Even at the recent pot-luck I ate mostly salads and fruit with water, and only a medium slice of cake (instead of the usual sampling of all the goodies!).  Some days I go without anything sweet at all.  This is a big deal for me! 
