Monday, November 14, 2005

We are not in our new home yet. Everyday, it seems, we find out about
another peice of paperwork that the bank is waiting for. Today we've
learned that they are awaiting something to do with title insurance.
There's always something... always something.

Honestly, this has been a good season. For a two and a half months,
we've been "homeless"--and yet not. Through these past eleven weeks, I
have experienced, once again, the joy of being in family. I think I
understand a little bit better what He wants from us when He calls us,
as Christians, "family". While some in our situtation might have to
stay in cheap hotels or a dumpy and cramped month-to-month apartment,
we have been welcomed with open arms into our family's homes; we have
been cared for.

It's also been a lesson in patience and resting in His timing. There
are days when I am so frustrated. Less than a mile down the road, all
my belongings are sitting in boxes in a house I would very much like to
call home. Less than a mile down the road from there are the current
owners of that house who would very much like for us
to be the current owners. Over three months ago we were approved for
this mortgage. Over two months ago our couches arrived in that living
room. I would like to be there. I would like to have access to all our
winter clothes, and I would like those clothes to be in closets and
dressers instead of suitcases. I would like to set a table with the
dishes Mom bought me as a wedding gift (do you realize how long it's
been since I did that?!) and I would like to serve pasta in the great
pasta bowl I own (also another wedding gift). I would like to invite
the college girls over to my house instead of trying to find a place to
meet them. I would like to have guests stay in the "spare room". I
would like to curl up on my couch with that worn and familiar green
aphgan, my mug that Camilla painted in hand and filled with steaming

And yet, I'm not there. And while I long to remember afresh what life for our family--just us--looks like, I cannot ignore how much of a gift these last couple months have been.

So we wait. And learn. And adjust. And grow. And re-adjust.

It's good.


  1. Last summer Josh worked for my dad for two months. Living with my parents through that time was challengind but also such a blessing. Simply having someone around to watch the girs when I wanted to take a shower was wonderful, but also the memories we made were priceless. It was so fun. I'm sure its the same way for you now. With all of that said, I'll pray that your house goes through quickly. What wife wouldn't want her own home to decorate for the holidays!

  2. Although I probably can't understand your frustration to a perfect degree... I can sympathize. Although we're not waiting to move into a new home... we're waiting on a few other things that begin to frustrate me if I dwell on them. I'm praying for you all the time and can't wait to see you guys again.
