Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Having a potty-trained child is nice... until you're in the middle of purchasing a whole lot of groceries--your 15-month-old in the cart crying--and your toddler says, "Mama, I have to go potty!" in the frantic voice you know means you haven't much time.



  1. Help those of us who will be experiencing this in years to come and tell me... WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO?!

  2. I've heard many stories of newly potty trained kids at stores...I guess it's not too funny, huh?
    Miss you guys tons.

  3. Been there, done that. I think in the past on really crazy days, I've responded, "Just go." Of course my kids always look blankly at me and say, "What?" I repeat it. "Just go...right there...just do it...there are no other options right now." They always shrug and roll their eyes (and of course decide to hold it!)
