Monday, November 21, 2005

Furniture needs the last painting touches, dressers need to be filled,
papers need to be signed, suitcases need to be [re]packed, errands need
to be run...  But I enjoyed spending this morning cleaning my
mom's kitchen and doing laundry instead of accomplishing any of those
things. Sometimes it's just nicer to pretend that life is simple. :)

But there does remain the reality that we are (along with our lawyer)
urgently trying to close on our house before we leave for Cortland, NY
on Wednesday--where we will spend Thanksgiving with the extended
Sinclair family--and from there drive down to Williamsburg, VA for a
family vacation. We won't be back until December 5th, after which we
will have some quick work to do on the house (painting the kitchen and
staining the kitchen cupboards darker) before trying to settle (ha ha) while
decorating for Christmas. I have a feeling I'll be more successful with
getting a tree decorated than with hanging pictures on the walls, since
I really haven't a clue as to how I want the rooms arranged.

Meanwhile, the pregnancy countdown continues and I have had a recent
reality check that we need to pick out baby names and that I need to
come up with a birth plan that works within the context of a hospital
and new doctor. Since August I have been telling myself that I don't
have to think about this baby's arrival until after we move in to our
house, but as the move-in date gets pushed back further and further, I
am further and further into this pregnancy! Less than eight weeks until
my due date... less than 10 weeks before the date I
have picked for baby #3's arrival. The necessity of preparation hadn't
really dawned on me until my doctor's appointment last week when my
doctor announced that the baby is head-down and looking settled that
way. Unbelievable.

I'm glad most all of my Christmas shopping is out of the way. It means
one less thing to think about; and though I really enjoy the process of
gift-giving, it is a tremendous blessing to have it taken care of.

Semester #1 is quickly finishing up. It won't be long before we bid
farewell to all the students until January 2006. I feel like I'm barely
getting to know them all, and now they're all getting ready to leave
for a while! Nonetheless, I think it's been a fruitful last seven
weeks--and I am so proud of Daniel. The demands on him have been great,
and he has risen to each challenge. We've had the joy of seeing a
prodigal student radically recommit his life to the Lord and another
student until-recently totally unfamiliar with the Gospel give her life
wholly to the Lord. Other students have gone from skepticism regarding
the Holy Spirit to being baptized and speaking in tongues. We're
quickly outgrowing meeting spaces and new prayer meetings are being
established on campuses. It's been a really wonderful two months thus
far, and I'm excited for what will happen in the future.

God has been faithful. It hasn't been the easiest of seasons, but it's
also been a really good one. In spite of challenges, both Daniel and I
have had a confidence that we are right where God would have us be and
that has given continual peace. He is caring for us and--more
importantly--He is caring for His Kingdom. I am learning to rest in Him
in a new way.


  1. It's exciting to hear all that is going on in your life and this new life that is quickly approaching it's date into the world. I can't wait to hear the news and see some pictures.

  2. I have a bathing suit that is size 1-2 years from H&M. Its yellow and sort of looks like the bathing auit Annie wore in the pool with Daddy Worbucks. It has a small popsicle stain on the top, but its not bad.
    I also found a couple other things size 24 months, if you're interested. There's a fleece zip-up sweatshirt, a pair of lavendar overalls and a one-piece long sleeve outfit.
    Call me if you want to come grab them. I can't get out of town today or I'd bring them out to you.
