Tuesday, November 8, 2005

I sat in on a bed in the ER and the nurse commented on how ridiculous it is that doctors in the area don't keep Rhogam in their offices as it means patients visiting the ER to get a quick and simple shot. I couldn't have agreed more. The medical procedures and processes around here are something I would quickly change if I could. But the nurse was nice and only made me wait around 20 minutes instead of the usual 30 since she figured I would be fine as I've had the shot several times before and with no problems.

A visit to the grocery store followed. I like North Country grocery stores. They're nothing like trips to the Wal-Mart in North Versailles--something absolutely frightening and worth avoiding at all costs (literally!). The store here is small and the produce is fresh. I bought Cortland apples for $0.68/lb and picked up a gallon of milk for $1.99. As the cashier rang my groceries up, another employee bagged all the food and loaded my cart. Someone I knew came up and said hello as I made my purchases, and that is always pleasant. The whole experience is do-able and rather nice. I think I could even pull it off with three children under three years of age.

Tonight Louissa and I will make macaroni and cheese for dinner and Danica will make a yummy pumpkin cake. I bought bread and salad. Dad won't be here, but we'll still have family dinner. It will be nice.

In the meantime, I need to pull some food together for my husband, who is currently stripping old paint off our dining room chairs so that he can paint them black. His days off have been taken over with such projects, and I'm very appreciative for his efforts. I figure the least I can do is re-heat some soup or chili!

Oh yeah--the kids need to eat, too. Sometimes I forget... :)


  1. There are some nice things about the North Country shopping experience. The small-town grocery store feeling has to be the one I enjoy the most.
    Are you in your new house yet?

  2. Come on Brietta...you don't miss WalMart :)  Seriously...it is a VERY scary experience.  I love reading what you guys are doing up North...and just to let you know.... you and your family are very missed in Pittsburgh.  Tell Daniel that Dan and I say hello.

  3. I thought I was the only one to forget to feed my children.  Usually lunch.
