Monday, July 20, 2009


The 2-1/2 hour drive to get there were well worth the words:

"In fact, these are such remarkably clear pictures of what a perfectly normal fetal heart looks like that we would love to have your permission to use them."

Yes, a very healthy baby is due in just 3 months, and we are ecstatic to know that he or she will arrive right here in our local hospital! Thank You, Lord!


  1. Yay times three! We are rejoicing with you!

  2. Rejoicing with you, Brietta!
    Love & hugs, Q

  3. YES!!!!
    Who did your u/s?
    Was it Kathleen?

  4. @LisaMCriscitello - It was actually Margaret and then Dr. Smith.  Fetal echos are done right in the pediatric cardiologists' office, so both Margaret and Dr. Smith are very familiar faces/friends at this point!  (Margaret was the tech who met Aubrey in the NICU along with the cardiologist-- and has since done several echos on Aubrey-- and Dr. Smith was the cardiologist who did Aubrey's TEE in March.)

  5. That's great, happy to hear it!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. If there was a like button on xanga, I think I'd press it about a billion times. This makes me very happy.See you tomorrow! =)

  7. So glad to hear the wonderful news! Praise God!

  8. Congratulations Brietta! What a blessing to hear that 

  9. That is wonderful news!  So happy for you.

  10. I have been wanting to teask you that when this new little one comes along, will you please take another shoe photo and continue using it for your post header? I LOVE it! 

  11. CONGRATS !!!! God bless the healthy baby and mama too !!! As well as the family :)
