Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I'm not much of a meat/poultry eater. This is not for any moral or ethical or research reasons, but simply because my tastebuds prefer dishes that have meat/poultry in them vs. eating a hunk of animal protein. Maybe this is the result of growing up in a big family on a budget: casseroles, soups, stews, etc. were the common fare when I was a girl and they're what I'm accustomed to.

A hamburger on a bun is about as "meat" as I can get. Even Thanksgiving dinner isn't all it's cracked up to be, as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather eat the casserole or pot pie made from all the leftovers the next day.

Or maybe we could just have beans & rice with warm, soft tortillas and lots of guacamole on the side this year for Thanksgiving dinner. Mmmm...

I've never cooked a roast. Why would I when I could make a beef stew instead and have a bigger vegetable to meat ratio in my meal?

I do cook whole chickens all the time. I then use them to make soups, casseroles, tacos, etc. I can think of maybe one time I cooked a chicken and served it traditionally (potatoes and gravy).

I don't have anything against people who like steak. I just don't.

What about you?


  1. I was JUST trying to explain this to Christina, who was going through meat withdrawl. Poor girl! She needed meat and I was just feeding her spinach and plums and rice! 

  2. I grew up with a meat, veggie and starch with every meal. My mom is VERY health conscious, and has gotten more so over the years but even still, that is how we ate. We ate very few casseroles. Lots of soups and stews. I tend to follow suite. Except with Matthew gone, we only have meat a couple of times a week. I do LOVE a good steak. And a lot of other meat choices. Fish is a favorite. Of course, they all need to be paired with a good helping of veggies, and not over cooked ones. I certainly can live with little of them, but not without them!

  3. I think I usually prefer a casserole, soup or stew rather than a chunk of meat, but I will admit that a cheeseburger (necessarily topped with tomatoes, lettuce and pickles) is my all-time favorite food.  

  4. We're actually not big 'red' meat eaters. Occasionally when first pregnant I crave a big juicy steak! so we eat one or I eat 2... random! I tend to crave and therefore eat more meat (just a big hunk of chicken) when pregnant in general. Gabe loves chicken and so do I, so do the kids. We LOVE to grill it best in all sorts of marinades. For a guy Gabe def does NOT have to have his meat every night of the week. Good thing being on a budget! Like earlier this week he requested that lentil soup served over rice HE actually made last that I got so sick after eating (though no association between that and getting sick... it was just the last thing I ate before I did!) I still have mixed emotions about it but I'm giving it whirl! It's SO cheap and he loves it and is able to then take it to work for lunches for the rest of the week! And I LOVE casseroles as well! Def the way to go for cost and taste!

  5. Let's plan a trip to the Q in Montreal before the babies are born.
    Mostly because I want you to give a medium-rare Kansas cut a whirl.
    Then we'll see how you feel about a steak.
    P.S. For the record, I felt the same way about raw oysters until I had them there.
    Ask Rick Gilchrist...he'll fill you in.
    As far as roasts are concerned, I'm terrified of big hunks of meat! After many attempts, I'm still not feelin' it!
    As far as whole chickens are concerned, this has to be my favorite recipe EVER-
    Eric feels it necessary to tell EVERYONE the story about how I cried when we watched that episode together. He said, "If I didn't know better I would swear you're either a mental case or in love with Tyler Florence."
    And one more thing before I TOTALLY take over your comment section...
     I never order a steak when we're out. Seafood all the way.
    (So when are we getting together to bake/cook? Wouldn't that be a blast?)

  6. I could eat chicken every day with meals if I could get away with it. My kids on the other hand arent big meat eaters and I have a hard time getting them to chow down a burger much less a piece of steak.

  7. @LisaMCriscitello - First thought: no way am I eating a steak if I actually make it to Montreal with Lisa before this baby's born!  Who would waste such an evening on steak?!?!   But keep workin' on me. Also, that chicken & dumplings recipe looks amazing.  Wow.  Next soup day, that is definitely going on the menu.And, yeah, me too on the seafood front.  Somehow eating a fillet of fish is totally different than eating a chicken breast or a piece of beef to me.  And shrimp?  Yeah... delicious!

  8. Hey I was thinking, since I never make casseroles and you do... do you think you could send me your top three? And, if you want, I can send you my top meat, veggie, starch dishes! (not that I really have recipes for that sort of a meal, but I could tell you what combos I really like!

  9. That's SO funny...I am the same way...growing up on casseroles, stews, etc. I'm not a roast fan either...and meat and potatoes rank low on my list of yummy meals. However, if a meal does not have meat in it more than once or twice a week Danny does say something. You should post some of your favorite casserole dishes...I am always looking for new ways to keep Danny from splurging on the juicy expensive red meat steaks. It's tough to keep the men folk happy.

  10. we're not exactly huge meat eaters, but i LOVE it!    but of course, seafood is a staple and CHEAP here in japan...

  11. Hi Brietta- I feel similarly about meat. I like it and I don't if that makes sense?  I could do without it but, my husband likes it and I'm not sure how I would feel about cooking separate meals but, for the most part we split up the week between meat and non-meat meals. I read your recipes above and plan on trying them! Hope you are all doing well.
    -Gina M.
