Wednesday, July 1, 2009

At the end of the day

The kids are all in bed and-- for a bit, anyway-- quiet and/or sleeping. This is my favorite time of day. Not because I don't like being with my children or because I dislike having them awake, but because there is such a sense of completion as I tuck them in and pray with them. We have lived this day and, while there are some things I might do differently if could have a do-over, we have lived it fully.


My house is in a bit of disarray currently, thanks to bedroom rearrangements and toy overhauls and preparations for the piano we are inheriting tomorrow evening (yay!) and ongoing canning, but it doesn't even seem to matter once the kids are down for the night. The mess that was starting to make me frenzied before is now simply wonderful and precious proof that we are a family here in this home: a living, breathing, active family.


This morning I heard about cherishing the days-- these days-- and neither letting laziness or goals get in the way of prioritizing my children this summer. I thought about the end of each day and how, just like tonight, there is always more I'd like to have tackled. I'm learning, little by little, that the end of the day comes regardless of whether or not I finished organizing the boys' closet.

I'm also learning that the end of the day comes regardless of whether or not I took the time to read my daughter a book, or to work on a puzzle with my son, or to fill the kiddie pool and watch the kids have the time of their life splashing around in it. Ten years from now... five years from now... five days from now, I won't remember when exactly the closet got finished. But I will remember the time spent with these precious souls that are, for now, under my watch.


I want to live my days with the end of the day in mind.


  1. My eyes welled with tears as I just put mine down and thought "whew, I made it.". Some days seem harder than others with Matthew gone, and today was one of those "ahhhh!!!" days. I was just reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day (with strawberry picking penciled in first thing!) and that even thought it wasn't the smoothest day, they were here, with me, and that is great! What a sweet reminder that we only have a short time with them. 

  2. Nicely written. I've been thinking thoughts right down this "alley". It is hard to get the perfect balance of household jobs and time for your children...........

  3. I've been thinking a lot about what Deanna shared this morning also.  It should be all straightened out and shared on my blog at some point - hopefully!

  4. That's such a good word and reminder. Especially these last couple weeks of pregnancy I have found myself beyond irritated with my girls. I just feel so tired, achy and sore...and thier noise, mess, bickering, etc puts me on serious edge. I've been laying them down at night wishing I wasn't so irritated and harsh...or wishing I hadn't yelled at Mara. They are precious. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I so needed your blog as a big reminder that no matter how messy the house and how disorganized it is at the moment that spending time with my beautiful children is what I'm going to remember at the end of the day. not how many times the cup was spilled or how many times she didn't go to the potty, but to enjoy what the day comes with. I always enjoy reading your blogs, inspirational :) Thanks so much
