Saturday, July 18, 2009


Aubrey first thing this morning, helping with breakfast prep.


If I'm not careful, I am never going to stay within my doctor's 20lb weight gain recommendation for this pregnancy with all the cooking we're doing around here!


  1. I daily scratch my head at your Dr. requiring YOU to stick to such a slim weight gain.  If you were a good 30 lbs. heavier at the beginning I would understand.  Doesn't he understand that you have birthed big babies and heavy placentas before???  Dr. Dewar didn't care a bit that I gained 29 lbs. when I VBACed with Riley!  Guess I'll just keep scratching my head!  LOL

  2. @AHappyHousewife - I will never understand either, especially since there is NO research proving that lower maternal weight gain = smaller babies!   Oh well.  Like I told Lisa, I figure if I at least try, he'll realize I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get my VBAC!

  3. I think he's crazy. But you know me... such a good patient. 

  4. You know I can't believe someone could only gain 20lbs during pregnancy since I pack it on so nicely. A word of encouragement, I delvered Ada by successful VBAC after gaining 60+ pounds! Um...yeah. :)

  5. i have no experience when it comes to gaining weight when pregnant so i won't chime in on that side of thingsBUTOH MY GOODNESS.  can your scoobs get any cuter?!?!  that cheesy grin kills me!

  6. Aubrey is completely adorable in that photo.  What a sweetie!

  7. Only 20 lbs!!  You've got to be kidding!!  That never happened in any of my 9 pregnancies... including my VBAC's!! :)

  8. @michelleross - 60lbs?  I would never guess that with you....I'm the fat one and I only gained 18 and about 20 with Joy and Alan...which was fine since I was already overweight....Matthew is the one who made me fat...I gained 35lbs with him....nursing did not help me lose weight it only made me hungrier I think....

  9. Mrs. S- wow, you're generous to call Dr. Whoever-it-is "crazy". I was thinking more like "unreasonable" and "completely clueless". But I would never actually say such things for 2 reasons...I don't have that OB or GYN after my name AND I have problems of my own in that area.
    I think the point is and should be that you ARE a good patient, Brietta!
    Louissa- you have some C.U.T.E. neices and nephews!!!

  10. Um yeah! What's he going to do??, say no VBAC for you if you instead gain 25-30 lbs! I wouldn't  kill yourself!

  11. And since Phi was nearly 9 lbs and he had to break her clavicle to come out, he says I need to keep it a bit under this time. And every time I tell him..."Um just so you know, I'm not guaranteeing anything!"

  12. My mom gained 25 pounds with my brother and 50 with me. Go figure =P

  13. Hey, I just saw that you are the second "top blog" on the xanga home page! Go you! And..... really, I wouldn't stress about the weight. Everyone knows you'll lose it. All you need to do is labor at home till you're too far to do a c-section, then show up at the hospital and pop that baby out!

  14. The picture of Aubrey is just wonderful!  What a sweetie.  I'll join with feeling compassion for you for working at restricting your weight gain so severly.  It reminds me of the "old days" when I was pregnant with Larry and most OBs gave instructions for mom not to gain more than 20 -25 pounds during pregnancy.  The worst part of my first pregnancy was the weight checks and the resultant lecture, chastising and threats from the nurses and Dr.  I hadn't heard of that attitude in the past 30 years until your present pregnancy.  I understand why you are working so hard.

  15. I am laughing at all the weigh gain comments because all I can think about is that pizza! Yum!
